Transgender Lab Rats and Poisoned Puppies: Oversight of Taxpayer Funded Animal Cruelty

There is a controversy and meme war going on concerning Pres. Trump’s mention of $8 million going to research on transgender mice. The contention is that he meant to say “transgenic” mice. With a little research, I found that there is such a thing as “transgenic” research. It has to do with genetically modified mice.

However, upon further research I discovered that there has been research involving the genital mutilation or “transing” of mice and monkeys. I offer the following meeting as evidence of this. The meeting is the Subcommitee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology and Government Innovation and the subject of their discussion is “Transgender Lab Rats and Poisoned Puppies: Oversight of Taxpayer Funded Animal Cruelty”.

This meeting alone refutes the argument that Trump doesn’t know what he’s talking about. It is a real thing.

Meeting starts at 21:45.

Footnote: CNN just quietly edited their “fact check” article after they reported that Trump’s statement on spending $8 million for making mice transgender was “false.”

It sounds so crazy that they thought Trump made it up…

It’s 100% true and now even CNN is forced to admit it.

New Hydrogen Car on the Road in Australia

Australia’s first hydrogen car comes to market, complete with charging stations in just 5 minutes. The car travels 900 kilometers with the tank full and purifies the air as it moves forward.
For the first time, hydrogen fuel cell technology is being applied serialized in a commercial car and, above all, it allows for such important autonomy, with very reduced charging times.
This is Hyundai Nexo, a small-cylinder car that beats all car manufacturers in the world and sets a sustainability record, with a charge of 6.27 kilograms of hydrogen that purifies 449,100 liters of air during the journey (as much as the consumption of breathing of 33 people for a whole day) and it only emits water down your exhaust pipe. This car produces no CO2 or other polluting emissions; just think that an equivalent vehicle, with a traditional combustion engine, emits about 126 kg of CO2 at the same distance.
The hydrogen engine thus enters the automobile market and intends to join the electric one among the sustainable mobility solutions the world is adopting. Hyundai thus becomes the first automaker in the world to produce a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle for the market.

Dave's Conservative Blog