Category Archives: Justice

Durham Report Could Be Available Next Week; Rep. Nunes Expects Prison Sentences For Russia Probe

Rep. Devin Nunes, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee says that he expects the Justice Department Special Counsel John Durham to release a “damaging report” on the FBI’s failed investigation into former President Donald Trump’s alleged ties with Russia.

He stated that the report could be available as early as next week.

Nunes said that thinks prison sentences could fall on a number of former senior Obama officials, according to Sara Carter.

To read the whole article:

Amanda Knox is innocent and she is home

With Amanda Knox (who was convicted of murdering her roommate Meredith Kercher in Perugia, Italy) on her way home after having her conviction overturned in Italian court, I would like to say I am happy she is free.  Meredith Kercher’s own mother said today that they don’t want the wrong person convicted of killing her daughter.

I believe Amanda Knox is innocent of this crime.  And I believe the Italian justice system botched this case in countless ways.  Here is an interesing video of a panel that was held at Seattle University in April 2011 about the case for Knox’s innocence: