Liberals Warped View of the Economy

Read this on some FB page:

“If a man has an apartment stacked to the ceiling with newspapers, we call him crazy. If a woman has a trailer house full of cats, we call her nuts. But when people pathologically hoard so much cash that they impoverish the entire nation, we put them on the cover of Fortune magazine and pretend that they are role models.” B. Lester

Here is my response from a conservative perspective:

If you are down and out, you are championed by liberals. If you struggle to make your situation better, work hard, start a business, hire employees and achieve success and become wealthy, you are then demonized by the very same liberals. You are now the enemy. There is a fundamental hitch in the liberal mind that despises success. But success is the American dream. Hmmmm. Is it any wonder when liberals get control of the nation’s purse strings, the nation goes into a tail spin.

Couple more comments: Your average millionaire in the USA today is a hard working small business owner who employs people. This nonsense about “pathological money hoarder” can only be found in the wild imaginations of these goofy liberals. Secondly, one of the most basic misunderstandings in the minds of liberals is that our economy is a closed system. If I make a ton of money, that means that much less money for you and others. WRONG!!! Our economy is open-ended. That money I made is not something taken away from you. It represents what I call “sweat-equity”. It is the worth of what my business has CREATED that did not previously exist. Just because I make a fortune does not mean that you now CANNOT make a fortune. People who are successful are not stealing your piece of the pie — they are making the pie BIGGER!!

Think of it this way: You sell hot dogs on a street corner. You charge what the market will bear. Now if a guy on the opposite coast designs a new computer or a better mouse trap and gets rich, does that mean people in your town can no longer buy your hot dogs? Of course not. You haven’t been hindered in the slightest. You are still free to make your own fortune. You can franchise your business, go nationwide, get rich and move next door to the guy who made the better mouse trap! The only thing stopping a liberal is their bankrupt philosophy.

Liberals entire argument stems from a BAD ATTITUDE. Their whole philosophy of life is based on breaking God’s 10th commandment which tell us not to ENVY anything that is our neighbor’s. Liberals are ALL about envy. But envy is fleshly, ungodly, unhealthy and an unhappy view of life. An envious person can have all of life’s pleasures, but be totally unhappy because that bastard on the other side of the tracks has way more than him. It’s just like the driver on the freeway who is constantly bobbing and weaving because he doesn’t like having someone in front of him slowing him down. That’s a LONG freeway — there will ALWAYS be someone ahead of you. Always!