On Global Warming and Television ProPaganda

On a television show called “Madam Secretary”, the comment was made by the lead character to Christians,

“Hard to Claim You Love the Creator, If You’re Ignoring’ Global Warming‘“

The following comment was submitted by user Kent A. Ormondroyd:

I’m going to be 65 years old this year and I have prided myself on always having a small carbon footprint. I’ve lived long enough to see quite a few things in my life. I live near the ocean and I have not seen an appreciable change in the coastline in my lifetime. Despite this fact, as a curious inhabitant of this planet, I have done a ton of research on the subject of “Global Warming” or “Climate Change”, or whatever they may be calling it this week. The whole concept of “MAN MADE” Global Warming and how much MAN has to do with it is really what we are talking about, isn’t it? Every OBJECTIVE study that I have seen draws ZERO conclusions about how much man actually has to do with this. The data is soooooo complicated that it is impossible to nail this down, period! Even the smartest and brightest among us has not been able to report whether or not man has anything to do with it. We are living in a relatively low carbon dioxide time, believe it or not, so classifying Carbon Dioxide a pollutant was a left wing goal to push this agenda. I am very suspicious of huge government programs that tax us to death and have no foreseeable benefits as well as NO COMPELLING EVIDENCE that man has anything to do with changes in global weather. The earth is warming right now and the seas are rising, but it was 10 inches in the last one hundred years and is predicted to be 12 inches in the next 100 years. The “12 YEARS AND WE”RE TOAST” narrative is JUST PLAIN BONKERS!!!!! No thinking person should believe it. The “GREEN NEW DEAL” basically says: “THE WEATHER IS BAD, SO LET’S INSTITUTE SOCIALISM”!

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