Trump is Right to leave Syria

For someone like me, a Christian first and an American second, it’s not easy to sort through everything and arrive at what seems to be the position that is the strongest both morally and ethically. I believe the president has done the correct thing here and would like to explain why.

It’s worthy of note, for starters, to remember that the president campaigned on doing exactly what he is doing now. This is not a betrayal but a promise kept. If we want to get out of the Muslim world, the only way to do it is just do it……

….. The fundamental problem in the West is the failure to understand Islam for what it is rather than what we want it to be. The dismal reality is that Islam is not a religion of peace or anything close to it. It is rather a religion of war, violence, and death, and no amount of wishing and hoping will ever change that. Islam has been a religion of war and aggression from day one. If it hasn’t changed its stripes in 1,400 years, it’s unlikely to do so in time to solve the crisis in Syria in our generation or any generation to follow.

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