America at War with Its Own Citizens

Consider what Tucker is saying. The temperature in this country needs to come down a few hundred degrees and everyone needs to stop assuming the worst of everyone. Or maybe myself and my mother really are dangerous terrorists.*

The insanity in this country right now is hard to believe. And that’s because too many people are jumping to crazy conclusions and thinking the worst of people who are just normal American citizens.
Tuckers words:

* If there were 400 people who breached the Capitol and a mix of leftist agitators (re: my previous email about witnesses and evidence to the fact that BLM/Antifa bussed in people to infiltrate the protest), I’m going to say it was a 50/50 mix of left and right. That means about 200 Trump supporters were in the capitol building. The protest was permitted for 30,000 people. After watching the video below, I personally think it was more like twice that many, but for my little demonstration, I’ll use the 30,000 figure. That means 200 of 30,000 broke into the Capitol building. I do not condone what they did, but in defense of all the people in the video below who were ONLY peacefully protesting, please note that that rate means if you took my graduating high school class of 900 who filled up most of our football field on graduation day, about 5 individuals would be accused of breaking in to the Capitol. And with that, the left is trying to taint the entire political right as insurrectionists.

Conservative Republican and/or Trump supporters are NOT insurrectionists! That’s what I mean about the temperature being too high. Trump supporters were the peaceful people you see in this video below. It’s just like a few years ago whenever the Tea Party people had a protest, they left the place cleaner than they found it but were immediately accused of being violent and dangerous. 
Jan 6, 2021, the other 99%:

In closing, I will use myself as an example. I came to Seattle in 1979 to go to Bible college. I immediately entered into a situation where my new church was misunderstood and lied against from the day I arrived until…… well, last week. I eventually migrated over to political discussions and discovered that the same divide existed in politics. And the bottom line is this; the story was the same at my church and being a conservative, Republican Trump supporter. In both cases, the opposition never listened to our sound arguments, but only accused us with lies and slander. And in both cases, when something very bad happened at the end, the opposition decided that they were right all along and defined both movements by the end only. Very wrong and inaccurate in both cases. Only this time, after 42 years of this crap, my patience has run out with people who simply refuse to be acquainted with the truth.

If I were on the left, I would heed Tucker’s words because if the average person on the right feels like I do because of the vindictiveness of the left, this nation is going to turn very violent very soon.

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