When I was in Bible college, I was rather naive about people. I thought anyone would see the blessing of Gods Spirit moving in an assembly and appreciate it and want to be a part of it. Not so. I learned just how much Jesus was right when he said the world was ENMITY with God. And Satan is the other enemy who works in people to distract and deceive at every opportunity. One particular experience summed up the hard lesson I learned in the early 1980s and has remained with me until this day.
I had a guest couple go to church with me. They were old friends visiting from my old home in Sacramento, California. It was a particularly powerful meeting with a wonderful music ministry, a strong message and body ministry. I was so glad they had the opportunity to partake.
When the service was over, I asked them to give me their honest opinion of the service. They commented, “I really don’t like the color of the carpet.” I was dumbfounded. What they had just witnessed was nothing short of a miracle. To them, the only thing they took with them was the carpet color.
Jesus once commented, “Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw your pearls before swine, or they will trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.” Mat 7:6 (NASB)
Of course, there is a general principle that doesn’t just pertain to “holy” things. The same principle applies to anyone who will not appreciate what good things they are given. Just shake the dust from your shoes and move on from them. Also it would be a good thing to look at your own heart to see if you are the pearl or the swine.
I listened to former Pres. Trump today give a speech at CPAC about relevant issues like the border, the COVID vaccine, Operation Warp Speed, the historic peace deals that were made in the Middle East, the Iran sanctions, the Keystone pipeline job losses since Biden took office, the surging gas prices, our military strength and many other things. It was a good speech.
When I checked on the reactions to the speech, I noticed the left was obsessing about something completely irrelevant and something that was not even true (as usual). They were claiming the shape of the CPAC stage resembled an obscure symbol that supposedly was used by the Nazis.
My first thought was Jesus’ talk about casting pearls before swine. It seems trying to get through to these leftist people is like trying to teach algebra to river rats.
For the record, here is a drawing of the REAL shape of the CPAC stage (since it is of such vital importance):