I am white. I am conservative. I am a Christian. And I grew up in Georgia. I would NEVER use the “N” word to describe anyone, not even Joy Reid. But because people like Joy Reid continually go out of their way to insult people like me by assuming I am a racist, I would never go out of my way to help them.
I long for the day when Joy and her buddies realize that THEY are the racists who never seem to EVER see anything in people except for their skin color. If you MUST couch everything in terms of skin color, YOU are racist, even if your skin color is brown.
These kinds of statements are highly insulting and even slanderous. It is unacceptable to talk this way in America.
By the way, I wouldn’t use the “N” word among friends either.
So Joy, I would never call you the “N” word even if I had permission. But I just might call you a racist, lying, sack of shit. But that wouldn’t be very Christian of me, now would it?