Occupy Democrats is Evil

I’m writing this post to introduce a new category on my blog. There is a group out there called Occupy Democrats that has to be the worst site on the entire Internet. They like to produce memes against anything that is politically right of center. But the problem I have with them is that I have yet to see a meme of theirs that is actually true. Everything they say is severely twisted and you see their agenda. They are NOT about truth. They are about demonizing the right using any means necessary.

Why do I have such a problem with them. Can’t I just ignore them? Yes I can but I have family and friends that religiously post these memes as if they were the gospel truth. I’m the type of guy who likes to rebut erroneous information. But with an organization like this, it is impossible to rebut them simply because it takes 5 seconds to post a meme and 5 days to sufficiently rebut the error. By then, they have produced another 20 memes. The volume alone is impossible to keep up with.

I hate people and organizations that operate by lies. There is nothing worse than a liar who cares nothing for the truth. Even worse is the “spinner” who takes truth and fashions a lie out of it by spinning it to fit a narrative. Jesus called Satan the father of lies which means if you operate by lies, Satan is your motivator.

At any rate, there will now be a new category on my blog, “Occupy Democrats is Evil.”

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