Living by Good Principles

People argue about God all the time.  I’ve lost count how many times I’ve been asked where Abel’s wife came from in the Bible.  People will believe what they will.  But there is one law of God that no human being will ever escape from on this earth.  And that is that every man, woman and child will reap what they sow.

Wise people will take this to heart and realize that it is not smart to float through life without a clear understanding of how life works and how to make good decisions.  Wise people learn from those who went before them.  Wise people will live in an organized fashion based on principles that have been formed from those who have gone before us.

Children think they know better than their parents.  They haven’t got a clue.  Adults who think they know better than the accumulated wisdom of the human race would do well to wake up and realize they don’t have a clue either.

Be smart.  Learn from your elders.  No, they are not always right, but they will generally be right because they have gone before you.  They have made their share of mistakes and know where the pitfalls are.  You can either listen to them as they point out the pitfalls so you can avoid them or you can push them aside and go out and trip and fall all over again.

Here are some principles to live by that will help you reap good things instead of bad:


  1.  Listen to your elders.
  2.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
  3.  Stay away from credit cards.
  4.  Be self supporting.  Get a job and do your best.  If you need education for the job, get it.
  5.  Do not be promiscuous. How many people are scraping bottom because they had kids as a teen and now live on public support.
  6.  Consider the future at ALL times.  Have a plan for your life.  Where do you want to be in 10, 20, 30 years?  Then plan for it or it will never happen.
  7.  Stay away from illegal activity. Obey the Law!
  8.  Don’t live above your means.  You’ll just end up in debt and chained to your bills for the rest of your life.
  9.  Stay away from bad people.  They will hurt your life and infect you with their disease.
  10.  In love, take the time to make sure you are compatible with the person you are considering.  If the relationship is always a struggle you should consider breaking it off.  An old country song says, “If it don’t come easy, better let it go.”  I agree.  Do this or you will end up hurt and divorced which hurts not only you but your kids.  BAD, BAD, BAD!
  11.  Save a certain percentage of your money.  Get into the habit.  People who know how to save always do better than those who live for the moment and blow their paychecks every week.
  12.  You can never love your kids enough.  Be a mentor and help them.  Try not to pass on your own weaknesses. (Good luck!)
  13.  Be forgiving.  No one is perfect.  Don’t hold grudges.
  14. Pay your bills and obligations and do it on time.