Bad Liberal Ideas

Watching Obama being “grilled” on 60 Minutes on TV. I am so tired of the mindset that thinks the country should be concerned about income equality.  What a stupid concept. Here are some off the cuff comments about bad liberal thinking:

  1. Republicans (i.e. Bush) Screwed up the Economy. As I recall, the economy did quite well during the Bush years.  We experienced a recession after 9-11.  But the Bush tax cuts stimulated the economy and that recession was very short-lived. That’s because conservative ideas work!  Up until the 6th year of Bush’s presidency, the economy was doing well.  In early 2007, houses in our neighborhood were selling in the low 300 thousands but started turning south.  Today, the same houses are selling for under 200 thousand.  Problems started happening in 2006. Coincidentally, that which controls the purse strings of our federal government, the Congress, was taken over by the Democrats in both houses in 2006. What happened from then until Obama was elected was in spite of Bush, not because of Bush. There was a big power struggle going on.  It is my opinion that Bush’s decision to bail out the banks was wrong.  Obama continuing this idea of bail outs was also wrong, but to a larger degree.
  2. We should have income equality.  This is pure communism and there is no excuse for this kind of thinking in America.  It is totally foreign to the American way of life. Let me ask you this: If you take a job from a company and agree to a certain wage and are paid that wage for your work, what’s unfair about that? If you don’t like making $15/hour being a street sweeper, is someone stopping you from going to school and becoming a software writer for $30/hour or a CEO making $200,000/year?  Are you actually suggesting that the person who made the effort to become a CEO must be equalized with the pay of the street sweeper?  On what legal, financial or even moral grounds do you have the right to do that? And if the street sweeper is to make mountains more money, where is that money supposed to come from? Let’s say you start a drive thru latte stand business.  Do you honestly think that the money the rich have somehow limits you from selling your cup of coffee for $3?  But that is what the liberal argument is saying – that you have less money because the rich have more money.  But your money is directly tied to how many cups of coffee, lattes or mochas you sell for X dollars a cup.  Maybe you start selling cakes and cookies on the side.  Maybe you eventually start hot lunches at lunch time.  And maybe you eventually branch out and franchise your business.  All of that is based soley on the bottom line of your company which is a function of income minus expenses.  How does the wealth of the rich have ANY influence on your coffee business?  Answer: It doesn’t.  Liberals complaining about the wealth of the rich is simply an immature response to the fact that they ENVY those who have more than they do.  That’s not a financial problem.  That’s a character flaw.
  3. We need to tax the rich more. For what purpose I ask?  Our 15 trillion dollar debt is so high, we could confiscate everything that ALL the rich people have and hardly put a dent in the deficit.  Our federal government spends way, way, way too much money.  I think the federal government should not only spend less, I think it should be severely shrunk.  I’m talking 30, 40, 50 percent smaller!  We don’t need and can’t afford all the crap the federal government thinks it needs to have its fingers in.  We are a free people who live in sovereign states whose federal government is not supposed to be involved in that which is not clearly laid out in the Constitution.  If we actually lived by this law, the government would be but a fraction of its present size. I would also like to observe that the rich already pay the lion’s share of taxes in this country.  When the bottom 47% of citizens pay nothing and the top 5% of tax payers pay 54% of the tax bill.  Did you catch that?  54%!!!!! So I say, the rich pay too much and the bottom 47% should simply sit down and shut up!  They have no say because they are freeloaders.