The insanity of our 1984esque society that is turning truth on its ear and redefining everything around us is easy for Tucker to lampoon. And it should be lampooned. But my biggest concern is that we are being groomed to accept a coming one world government. The biggest part of that is to steer people away from TRUTH, specifically God’s truth and steer us toward LIES so the Father of Lies can get us where we need to be. There is an Antichrist to reveal someday not too far off. Does it not seem strange to you that our whole society seems to be upending from what it used to be?
It is dangerous to turn away from truth. It is dangerous to redefine everything. It is demonic. And the Bible specifically talks about our time in the book of Romans where God says that these things happen when people do not have a LOVE OF THE TRUTH. Eventually God gives people over to their depraved minds. Don’t be those people.