Transgender Debate on Dr Phil

This video is frustrating to me because it is not exhaustive. It only contains certain clips from the debate. But it is still worth watching.

Matt Walsh makes a good point when he describes the traditional view of sex and gender as “reality”. I agree. It is my opinion that issues like transgenderism have the earmarks of Satan because they mimic the original satanic spin – in the garden with Adam and Eve when reality was spun to be just confusing enough to question it, “Hath God said?” And believe me, the emphasis is on the question mark. Take something that is starkly clear and subtly question it until it becomes confusing. Then in the grey area that is created, start twisting the truth into a lie.

Our safety in this world is to ALWAYS subjugate our feelings to the truth. And the ultimate truth is God’s Word; the Bible.

Matt Walsh Comments on the Debate

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