All posts by Dave

Can Trauma Therapy Help People with Same-Sex Attraction? CA Psychologist Sues to Defend the Truth

10/17/2021 08:11:36 AM Andrea Morris CBN News

A legal battle over trauma therapy and same-sex attraction is being launched in California’s court system.

Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, Jr. and his lawyers say two men who published an article attacking his method for treating trauma are actually “misleading the public” in the same manner as LGBTQ activists.

Reintegrative Therapy® was created by Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, Jr. as a treatment method to identify and resolve past traumatic memories. Nicolosi reports this type of therapy has also been shown to cause a shift in sexuality as a side-effect for some clients whose sexual issues were connected to trauma.

The authors who oppose his method, Dr. Travis Salway and David Kinitz, published an article alleging that the treatments are a type of “conversion therapy.” That’s a blanket term used by LGBT activists to belittle therapy for patients who are seeking freedom from undesired same-sex attraction.

Salway and Kinitz directly labeled Reintegrative Therapy as fake. 

They wrote, “‘Conversion therapy,’ sometimes referred to as ‘reparative therapy,’ ‘reintegrative therapy,’ or ‘reorientation therapy,’ refers to a set of pseudo-scientific, discredited practices that aim to deny and suppress the sexual orientations, gender identities, and/or gender expressions of sexual and gender minorities (SGM).”

On behalf of Dr. Nicolosi, attorneys with the Thomas More Society have filed a lawsuit against the authors, accusing them of making disparaging statements. They argue that the article attempts to deceive the public into thinking that Reintegrative Therapy is only aimed at altering sexual attraction.

The lawsuit states, “Reintegrative Therapy® does not seek to change a person’s sexual orientation. Rather, Reintegrative Therapy® uses evidence-based interventions designed to resolve traumas and addictions. The treatment methods utilized in Reintegrative Therapy® are the same regardless of whether the client is a female client with a binge eating disorder or a male client with sexually compulsive behaviors.”

Thomas More Society Special Counsel Paul Jonna said, “These political activists need to be held accountable. They are masquerading as objective scientists and deliberately misleading the public by presenting lies as scientific truth.”

“By falsely misrepresenting Reintegrative Therapy® and the Reintegrative Therapy Association in an open-access medical journal, they have defamed and injured the practice of this evidence-based treatment,” Jonna added. “Reintegrative Therapy® clients deserve the same rights and freedoms as anyone else—to have access to accurate medical information, and to have therapists who understand them and support them in their journey.” 

The attorney says newly released long-term evidence shows the treatment is safe and effective. And Dr. Nicolosi emphasized that the goal of the treatment is not to change a person’s sexual orientation, but rather to free the client from painful memories.

“Contrary to the false claims made by Salway and Kinitz, Reintegrative Therapy® uses evidence-based interventions which treat traumatic memories,” the doctor said.

Former Slave to BLM: ‘Slavery Still Exists in Africa Today’

10/8/2021 11:59:47 AM Gary Lane CBN News

A former African slave is telling Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theory advocates that they need to go back to school to understand what is happening in Africa today and to learn that the United States offers them unique opportunities that they are unlikely to find elsewhere.

“The United States is the only country that can free you, (where) you can get a decent job and be a free man.” Bol Gai Deng insisted.

Deng is a former slave and South Sudan presidential candidate.

In this week’s episode of the CBN News Channel program The Global Lane, Deng explained that he became a slave in 1987 after the Sudanese government-backed Mujahadeen raiders kidnapped him and burned down his village. 

Deng and more than 700 other captured children were forced to walk through the bush, 250 miles from their homes. He was only seven years old when merchants took him to northern Sudan to be sold into a life of brutal enslavement.  

“I was beat up, I was told what to do, and sometimes they used to put chains on my legs to the point where I would become so disciplined to my master,” Deng recalled.

He escaped after three years in captivity and eventually made his way to Khartoum where he found help from a Catholic charity. Later, he traveled to Egypt where he was offered asylum in the United States.

He said  BLM and CRT advocates can learn a few lessons from former slaves like him.

“I believe Black Lives Matter does not understand what is going on in Africa, they don’t know what is going on around the world,” Deng explained. 

“They need to understand that slavery still exists in Africa today (where) more than 9.2 million (people) are still in captivity in slavery.”

Deng said Libya is just one example. He claimed that women in the north African country are still being sold into slavery for as little as $400 each.

Also, he suggested that people obsessed with America’s slave and racist past should view the country as a land of advancement and freedom.

“In fact, the United States is the only country in the world that can give the slave freedom to become a congresswoman. You cannot find that in the world except in the United States of America.”

And although new elections have yet to be scheduled in South Sudan, Deng has declared his candidacy for president.

How will he bring people together in a nation where the majority Dinka and minority Nuer tribes are still fighting one another?

Deng suggests tribal divisions will end once the people of the world’s newest nation embrace Christian values and begin to view themselves as Southern Sudanese instead of members of a specific tribe. 

“I think what they need right now is a good leader who will understand that what is going on in South Sudan is the lack of leadership–and that is a tribal line,” the former slave explained.

“We in the Christian community believe in love,” Deng said. “We believe in peace. We believe in unity and my life in America taught me so much to the point where if you live in the United States, you are an American citizen and I believe the same philosophy could take place in South Sudan by leadership.”

Mainstream Media Corruption Everywhere

If I had a dollar for every time people told me not to watch Fox News. Actually, I don’t watch Fox News any more on TV, but I do periodically catch a story online from them. And I do listen to Tucker Carlson and Jessie Watters.

To those who have advised me, I humbly ask you to watch this video through to the end and tell me who I should be watching. Keep in mind that I watch a number of outlets. And I have been witnessing the corruption of news media in our country for at least ten years. Fox News has its problems but they are still head and shoulders above the mainstream in honesty and fairness. And their ratings numbers show it.

If you don’t think the media is corrupt in this country, you need to really get a grip and pay attention. And watch this video.