All posts by Dave
Tucker Points Out the Insanity of it All
The insanity of our 1984esque society that is turning truth on its ear and redefining everything around us is easy for Tucker to lampoon. And it should be lampooned. But my biggest concern is that we are being groomed to accept a coming one world government. The biggest part of that is to steer people away from TRUTH, specifically God’s truth and steer us toward LIES so the Father of Lies can get us where we need to be. There is an Antichrist to reveal someday not too far off. Does it not seem strange to you that our whole society seems to be upending from what it used to be?
It is dangerous to turn away from truth. It is dangerous to redefine everything. It is demonic. And the Bible specifically talks about our time in the book of Romans where God says that these things happen when people do not have a LOVE OF THE TRUTH. Eventually God gives people over to their depraved minds. Don’t be those people.
Our Military Leaders are Corrupt Too
Candace Answers Joy Reid on “Missing White Woman Syndrome”
Chris Harrison is Done. The Lesson? Never Apologize
California Concerned about its Fires and Earthquakes – You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet
California has been suffering intense forest fires the last few years like I’ve never seen before. And they are well known for their devastating earthquakes.
In their eternal wisdom, they have blamed the fires on global warming. Who knows, they are probably blaming earthquakes on global warming by now. It might do them well to consider that GOD may be trying to tell them something.
California has prided itself on being so very much more progressive then the rest of the country. But what a lot of people like me see is that California has become a state that dares to defy God and His Word at every turn. The state is becoming so demonized that they seem to look for ways to defy God. And I think God is beginning to give the state small doses of His judgment to wake them up.
The latest ungodly action in California is Gov.. Newsom’s signature on a bill that allows children as young as 12 to obtain abortions, sexual assault treatment, drug abuse and mental health treatment, cross-sex hormones, and puberty blockers without their parents knowledge or consent. Yet the parents insurance pays the bill and the parents pay the deductibles. This usurpation of parental authority is inexcusable.
As a believing Christian, the state government of California is extremely offensive to me because it is offensive to God. They can no longer be seen as wayward souls but are in open rebellion against God.
California, you have experienced a small taste of Gods judgment. You need to repent from all your ungodly rebellion and get right with God.
Or I fear that you ain’t seen nothing yet. If you are not appropriately judged for your ungodliness, God is going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.
Then and Now
Well, this doesn’t exactly help the gender-confused now does it?

Judge Releases Capitol Video on Jan 6. It wasnt an Insurrection. It was a Grandma Selfie Party
I was sure it would happen. Months later when the truth came out, the January 6 event the left and the mainstream media have tarred as an insurrection would be shown to be nothing of the kind. All us conservatives have been wondering why 14,000 hours of Jan 6 Capitol video has been withheld from the public.
Well today a judge ruled that the video must be released and it has been. And sure enough, the people shown coming into the building are strolling in through an open door and looking around taking pictures. Hardly any insurrection! Candace Owens called it a Grandma Selfie Party.
This always happens. The expert liars, aka the Democratic Left, spread their lies about conservatives and fill the media with it. Then in 8 months when all the useful idiots in our society have gone on to the newest shiny thing in the news, the TRUTH comes out through official channels and exposes the left for the lying goons they are. Except by now, no one cares.
This happens over and over in this country. It is very frustrating when you care about the truth.
If you are politically ignorant but you love your country, you must do 2 things. 1) Get educated on what is going on politically and 2)Stay away from the Democratic party.
I would also strongly suggest you start your new political venture by watching the video below. Just click the link.
Racializing the News to Divide Us in America
The other night, Joy Reid, a race hustler on MSNBC, thought it appropriate to point out that the story of murdered young Gabby Petito is actually not a story about the unfortunate demise of a young promising 22 year old Internet influencer, but a story about race. This is because to Joy Reid, EVERYTHING is about race.
Joy commented, “the way this story has captivated the nation has many wondering, why not the same media attention when people of color go missing?” In other words, let’s completely shipwreck this story and turn it into yet another racially charged story to beat up on white people. People like Joy and Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have made lucrative careers out of race baiting. It helps destroy our society but it lines their pockets.
What a cruel, rude thing to interject into the story of poor Gabby.
Well, why did her story go viral so fast? Maybe it was because:
- She was an up and coming Internet influencer who had 83k followers and millions of views on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook. When she went missing, literally millions of people noticed.
- She and her boyfriend organized a 4 month trip across America that she planned to document on her platforms. Everyone was watching.
- Then the Moab police released their hour-long body cam footage of Gabby and Brian being pulled over because of a 911 call for domestic violence.
- When Gabby went missing after watching the Moab police agonizing over how to handle the “dispute” between Gabby and Brian, all eyes and ears perked up.
This is just human nature. A perfectly natural reaction considering the circumstances. It’s not racial at all. Going viral is like lightning striking. It happens very seldom.
Well what about missing people of color that didn’t go viral? I would answer, “What about the 320,000 white people who went missing in 2020 that didn’t go viral?
Yes, you read that right. Three hundred twenty thousand. Assuming half of those are women, that’s 160,000 missing white women that did not go viral. According to the same statistics, there were about 91,000 black women, 5,000 Asian women and 5,000 Native American women also.
And one young woman who was an Internet influencer with a following went viral. Is there any valid point to Reid’s argument? I don’t think so. I think she is just a race hustler looking for a racial angle to ANY story, not just this one.
What do I think? I think we would do well to be Americans first and at least try to pull together instead of being divided and pulling apart. I think that any time someone asks, “What’s in it for my group as opposed to other groups,” in America, a big red flag should go up. It is a divisive and poisonous spirit that looks for these divisions and fans the flames.
We used to talk about the melting pot when I was a kid. I haven’t heard that analogy used about America for decades. It seems the race baiting has worked.
I would recommend listening to this video of Christian Voddie Baucham explaining the newest phenomenon of race baiting in our country; Critical Race Theory and how poisonous it is.
The first 15 minutes or so addresses a specific CRT issue happening in the Southern Baptist Convention (yes, it’s seeping into the church), then he gets into the meat and potatoes of what CRT is all about and where it came from. Should be required listening to every American and every Christian. We need to stop the racial fighting in our country and in the church.
Abortion And Pro-Choice from a Biblical and Factual Point of View
The problem with us sinful humans is that we are never willing to face our failings. The most frustrating thing about posting on my blog is knowing the people who really need to hear something won’t listen.
I listen to Mike Winger all the time because he is a very good Bible teacher. This video came as a result of someone leaving a note on his car regarding abortion and he broke from his normal teaching to teach about the topic of abortion.
Are you offended and triggered by messages against abortion? Then this video is for you.