All posts by Dave

Lanesplitting in California

An unsuccessful attempt at lanesplitting

I was reading a short article justifying lanesplitting. Lanesplitting is when a motorcycle rides between slow or stopped vehicles on the divider line between lanes.

The article stated,

It may seem incredibly unsafe for a motorcycle to weave in and out between vehicles, but this practice is completely legal in California.

Lawmakers made it legal in 2016 because they saw the benefits of this practice. Lane splitting can help free up congestion on roadways, allows you to better navigate safely on the road and can let you avoid sitting in traffic jams. This not only helps you as a biker but also other vehicles on the road as it reduces traffic and can help avoid accidents.

Another huge benefit is the reduction of pollution.

The article should say it may seem incredibly unsafe…. and this practice is completely legal in California. Saying something is legal in California is definitely not a way to make it look reasonable.

I’m beginning to understand why I always hit a brick wall talking sense. People in this country are mentally ill. Everything that was once bad is good now. Everything is upside down and backwards.

By the way, this video ended with two pages of text that railed on the vehicle drivers and how it was their fault he wrecked while doing something legal.

Common sense is no longer common.

Religious Freedom is No Longer Protected in America

The stories just continue to roll in constantly, whether it is a Christian baker or a Christian florist or a Christian farm owner, protection for religious beliefs of Christians is eroding in this country. There is a definite wave of hostility that is always rearing it head.

The latest incident involves a young Christian family that owns Country Mill Farms in Michigan. They were banned from their local farmers market in 2016 over their biblical viewpoint on marriage.

Steve and Bridget Tennes operate their orchard in Charlotte, and they host weddings on their farm. The Christian family used to set up a booth at the East Lansing Farmer’s Market to sell their produce, but officials decided to punish them because they believe marriage is between a man and a woman. 

So it’s off to court they go over a matter that used to be non-controversial, common sensical and biblical.

The United States that has been used by and blessed by God as that shining city on the hill to the world now disagrees with God over a number of key issues. One of those issues is the radical notion that marriage is an institution between one man and one woman. The Redefiners Of All Things (anyone left of center politically and usually atheistic) have decided that God (who they don’t even believe exists), is wrong on a number of issues.

At any rate, it requires a bit of courage today to be a believing Christian in America. You are no longer considered to be a good person because of your deeply held Christian beliefs. Today, you may just be considered the bad guy because of your beliefs.