All posts by Dave
Trump Supporters Stopping Antifa from Breaching capitol
More Evidence Trump Supporters TRYING to Stop Antifa from Breaching Capitol
Democrats are Such Snakes and Their Followers Such Embiciles
In our system of government, our elected officials are supposed to get together, debate and make law. Democrats are so corrupt now that in Texas, their new strategy is to flee their state so their house of representatives cannot do their jobs. This effort is so disingenuous, immature and corrupt. I would be embarrassed to be this Texas Democrat. I’m glad the moderator tore him apart and exposed his corruption. The United States does not need snakes like this in our government.
A Christian Response to Dr. Chanequa’s Prayer, “God, Help me to Hate White People”
George Floyd Memorial Destroyed After Being Hit by Lightning
A mural of deceased fentanyl user and Black Lives Matter icon George Floyd was destroyed earlier today in Toledo, Ohio after it was inexplicably struck by lightning, collapsing the wall entirely and likely offering a devastating blow to the morale of the local Black Lives Matter movement.
Hmmm. Hit by lightning. I believe insurance companies call that an act of God.

Critical Race Theory, Implicit Bias, Power VS Reality
Mr. President was Right
Frustration of a concerned Conservative
It is a heavy burden to be concerned for deceived leftists on social media, especially family members when they can post an ignorant meme in 5 seconds that properly takes a week to refute. Jesus called it casting pearls before swine. I sent out an email tonight to conservative family members (I’ve given up on social media cesspools) with a 6 page expose on what has really animated Trump supporters over the last 5 years.
But at this point, I’m preaching to the choir because it is a waste of time to try to be sensible with a leftist. I could present (and have presented) a 20 page paper on any subject and the response would be, “Racist, Bigot, Homophobe!”
The difference between me and every leftist i know is that I used to be pretty far left myself. I know the shtick. I rejected it all as a wrong headed way to live. I also became a Christian and learned just how antichrist leftism is. Whereas it seems every leftist Ive ever talked to has only been on the left and has no clue how people on the right actually live and think.
At every Trump rally which were all peaceful and celebratory, leftist mobs waited outside to attack and harass the attendees when the event was over. The contrast was obvious. You say Jan 6 wasn’t peaceful? I direct you to this list to the left <———-. Click on “Jan 6” and learn a few things.
People on the left are violent and mean and without decent morality. The only reason they got away with so much was the left leaning media gave them a pass.
How dare these people question our faith in God or our patriotic motives!