Jan 6 According to Blind Leftists

Don’t take my word for it but I say Occupy Democrats is a pen of liars. It is just about the worst website, Facebook page and organization on the entire Internet. I can’t imagine what goes through peoples minds that follow and post their memes from these people. Read this excerpt from Wikipedia that collects statements from many credible sources:
According to The Atlantic, Occupy Democrats’ posts are “studded with straightforwardly fake news”.[2] The Los Angeles Weekly reports that its posts are “free from the constraints of objectivity and, in some cases, facts”.[1] A 2016 Buzzfeed News analysis found it was “the least accurate left-wing page” of several Facebook pages it reviewed and cited one instance where it published a satirical story as fact.[25] In the run-up to the 2020 U.S. presidential election, the New York Times reported that Occupy Democrats “twisted facts to push a critical narrative about Republicans”.[26]
In 2017, PolitiFact included Occupy Democrats in its list of fake news websites. In 2017 however, PolitiFact removed Occupy Democrats from its list of fake news sites and, according to the Miami New Times, “admitted Occupy Democrats should never have been on the list in the first place.”[27] As of December 2020, PolitiFact classified 62% of 16 posts shared by Occupy Democrats it had evaluated as “not accurate”.[28] A further 31% it considered “half-true”.[28] In 2021, a post shared by Occupy Democrats claimed Nikki Haley had changed her first name to sound more “white” in order to further her political career.[29] A fact check column by USA Today reported that Nikki was her legal middle name, she had used it as a given name since childhood, and that it was of ethnic Punjabi origin.[29] The same year, Snopes rated “False” a claim by Occupy Democrats that “Republican Congress members had abjectly failed to applaud Biden’s stated goal of drastically reducing the rate of child poverty in the United States” during that year’s State of the Union address.[30]
In a 2017 survey among US readers, Occupy Democrats was voted the “least trusted news source” among American readers, just below Breitbart and BuzzFeed.[31] In 2018, the English Wikipedia deprecated Occupy Democrats as a source of fact, “due to its unreliability”.
Today’s college campuses no longer believe or teach free speech. They are all about political correctness and intolerance. Conservative views are seen as extreme and dangerous. And conservative speakers constantly experience resistance similar to what is happening in this video of a Ben Shapiro talk.
This is embarrassing and highly un-American. It is also observed that the students and administration seem to be totally oblivious to their un-Americanism.
The political left has done this. They have always been about their agenda rather than our Constitution. At least in the 60s, they feigned support of free speech and the free exchange of ideas. but as time has marched on, the left has moved further left and forgotten their American principles.
As a result, this happens:
by J.B. Shark at NOQ Report
Article excerpt:
What Revolver’s analysis of the DOJ’s charging documents shows, though, is that not just BLM and Antifa, but also FBI undercover agents were almost certainly up to no good that day. That’s a lot of outside interlopers pretending to be Trump rally-goers for the FBI to insist that the same MAGA crowd that has never once engaged in violence or property damage over the course of hundreds of similar events during the last five years — dressed in patriotic garb and draped in American flags — spontaneously turned a festive, carnival-like party into a “siege” and “rebellion” against the United States. And it’s especially suspicious when video footage shows cops waving protesters into the Capitol Building and when the only person killed that day was an unarmed Air Force veteran at the hands of a yet-unidentified Capitol police officer.
To read the entire article, click the link below:
The following meme is going around liberal circles on Facebook with comments like, “Here’s a Republican who gets it.”:
I DO believe Antifa and BLM were involved in the Capitol breach and I DO want an investigation.
Who says conservative Republicans don’t want an investigation? I certainly don’t care if there is one. I can tell what will happen. The investigation will find that it was NOT instigated by Trump followers. Go for it. No problem.
Sorry to rain on your straw man, Mr. Memeposter. I believe in the truth, so I am always okay with investigations as long as they are above board.
Can’t wait for the results. I want to know how many bus loads of leftists were brought in to breach the Capitol building and then blame Trump voters. I’ve heard testimony from a couple of leftist agitators who confirmed that people were bussed in to disrupt the whole event. Leftists never seem to want to investigate THAT.
I’m also waiting to hear how 95% of the Trump supporters who were at the Trump venue a mile and a half away breached the Capitol. The timeline has showed that the Capitol was breached while Trump was still speaking. Then the people walked to the Capitol building; a 30 minute walk. By the time they arrived, the Capitol had been breached for an hour.
Trump supporters at the Capitol have testified that people showed up they did not recognize and were talking on radios about breaching the security line. Any reasonable person who values the truth should want this investigated. Who were these people that were not with the demonstrators? What was the talk about people being bussed in? Why were there people on the Capitol video recognized as leftist activists?