All posts by Dave
Voter Fraud 2/3 – Kraken
CNN Lies about DC March
The Violence Comes from the Left
All of these videos come from the Washington, D. C. events that occurred after the election. It is ALWAYS these leftist BLM/Antifa thugs attacking peaceful Trump supporters.
Black Lives Matter Attacks an Innocent Black Family because they support Trump
Good vs Evil
Election 2020 Fraud
We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood
This happened during the protests in D.C. after the 2020 election. There were two gatherings – one pro-Trump and one anti-Trump (BLM/Antifa). I believe this man came from the pro-Trump rally and walked by the anti-Trump people.
Just like clockwork, the pro-Trump people prove to be peaceful and respectful. The anti-Trump BLM/Antifa crowd quite the opposite.
Note that one of the men who rescue this guy lays hands on him and prays for him. This is literally God vs Satan.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Eph 6:12 (KJV)
The Violent Left
Perhaps we can now drop the ‘both sides’ equivalence and admit why US cities boarded-up last week? Fears of looting and arson were only if Trump got re-elected. A self-questioning left would reflect here: Are you happy about having become the side of implicit, expected violence?