All posts by Dave

Liberals Cannot Deal with Reality

Just read an article in the American Spectator entitled The Liberals’ Reality Problem. In it, author Ron Ross makes the following points about liberals:

  • They do not like the fact that self-interest is the prime motivator in human decision making.
  • In their minds a market economy leads to an unacceptable level of inequality.
  • Because intentions govern their policies, liberals show no interest in looking at evidence. Their denial and disregard of evidence is another reflection of their dislike of reality.
  • Their absolute dislike of budgets.
  • They’re convinced that humans should be far less plentiful. In terms of global population, the smaller the better.

Check out the article.  It’s a good one.

America in the Bible

‎21st century America in the Bible? Yes!

Isaiah 59:13-15
(13) Transgressing and denying the LORD, And turning away from our God, Speaking oppression and revolt, Conceiving in and uttering from the heart lying words.
(14) And justice is turned back, And righteousness stands far away; For truth has stumbled in the street, And uprightness cannot enter.
(15) Yes, truth is lacking; And he who turns aside from evil makes himself a prey. Now the LORD saw, And it was displeasing in His sight that there was no justice.

Believing God’s Truth

This post will probably make no sense to those who don’t believe in God.  My thoughts here are toward those who believe in the God of the Bible and Jesus Christ.

I have been a born-again Christian for 37 years. These days I am a pretty lenient believer, but I have run the gamut over the years.  I spent many years being pretty fanatical about my faith.  I’ve seen excesses in both camps.  Some believers are so nominal, their God does not appear to actually be alive.  On the other extreme, fanatical Christians tend to attribute far too much to God.  People have to find their own way in their relationship with God and Jesus Christ.

And that leads me to the point of this post.  What is God’s truth?  Where does it come from?  Is God’s truth an objective truth or a subjective truth?  I am continually bothered by the fact that you can ask any two Christians about any subject regarding the Christian faith and get two completely different answers. Many people say this is a wonderful thing.  I’m not so sure.

I think this is a symptom of the plight of the human race.  We are sinners in a sinful world. Our hearts are deceitfully wicked.  I believe we all see God and God’s Word through a dark glass.  And a bit of that obscurity is caused by our unwillingness to face the truth.

How can two Christians read a Bible verse like Acts 2:4, 38-39 and come to opposite conclusions?  One concludes that believers will speak in new tongues; the other will conclude not only that believers won’t speak in tongues, but shouldn’t speak in tongues!

The reasons for this are myriad.  Some have to do with different levels of biblical understanding.  But personal feelings and consequences have a lot to do with it too. If person A grew up in a traditionally anti-tongues environment, a change in opinion will have very real personal consequences.

After all these years which have included serious Bible college studies into the scriptures and some very life-changing experiences with God, I have concluded the following:

  • The Bible is the inerrant, inspired Word of God (2 Tim 3:16-17)
  • Thus, the Bible is profitable for doctrine and correction to believers.  It is the final authority on these matters.
  • Believers are obligated to handle the word of truth accurately, rightly dividing the scriptures. (2 Tim 2:15)
  • Because our hearts are deceitful, we need to be willing to let God’s Word overrule our hearts when there is conflict.  Be teachable, be willing to learn something new.  Be willing to be found wrong. (Jer 17:9)


Living by Good Principles

People argue about God all the time.  I’ve lost count how many times I’ve been asked where Abel’s wife came from in the Bible.  People will believe what they will.  But there is one law of God that no human being will ever escape from on this earth.  And that is that every man, woman and child will reap what they sow.

Wise people will take this to heart and realize that it is not smart to float through life without a clear understanding of how life works and how to make good decisions.  Wise people learn from those who went before them.  Wise people will live in an organized fashion based on principles that have been formed from those who have gone before us.

Children think they know better than their parents.  They haven’t got a clue.  Adults who think they know better than the accumulated wisdom of the human race would do well to wake up and realize they don’t have a clue either.

Be smart.  Learn from your elders.  No, they are not always right, but they will generally be right because they have gone before you.  They have made their share of mistakes and know where the pitfalls are.  You can either listen to them as they point out the pitfalls so you can avoid them or you can push them aside and go out and trip and fall all over again.

Here are some principles to live by that will help you reap good things instead of bad:


  1.  Listen to your elders.
  2.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
  3.  Stay away from credit cards.
  4.  Be self supporting.  Get a job and do your best.  If you need education for the job, get it.
  5.  Do not be promiscuous. How many people are scraping bottom because they had kids as a teen and now live on public support.
  6.  Consider the future at ALL times.  Have a plan for your life.  Where do you want to be in 10, 20, 30 years?  Then plan for it or it will never happen.
  7.  Stay away from illegal activity. Obey the Law!
  8.  Don’t live above your means.  You’ll just end up in debt and chained to your bills for the rest of your life.
  9.  Stay away from bad people.  They will hurt your life and infect you with their disease.
  10.  In love, take the time to make sure you are compatible with the person you are considering.  If the relationship is always a struggle you should consider breaking it off.  An old country song says, “If it don’t come easy, better let it go.”  I agree.  Do this or you will end up hurt and divorced which hurts not only you but your kids.  BAD, BAD, BAD!
  11.  Save a certain percentage of your money.  Get into the habit.  People who know how to save always do better than those who live for the moment and blow their paychecks every week.
  12.  You can never love your kids enough.  Be a mentor and help them.  Try not to pass on your own weaknesses. (Good luck!)
  13.  Be forgiving.  No one is perfect.  Don’t hold grudges.
  14. Pay your bills and obligations and do it on time.

2011 Joplin Missouri Tornado Review and Update

The tornado that hit Joplin Missouri in May 2011 devastated a large swath through town. The first video below was recorded as the tornado hit a gas station/minimart.  The people in the store ended up huddled in the storage refrigerator in back and were extremenly lucky to survive.  The person who made this video explains:

The video i took while at Fastrip on east 20th street. We huddled in the back of the store until the glass got sucked out , then ran into the walk in storage fridge. Sorry for the lack of visuals but the audio is pretty telling of how intense the storm was. The tornado hits at around 1:20 seconds.

The next day, this person documented the structure from the outside.  You can see how fortunate these people were to survive this tornado.  Y9u can hear a lot of praying to Jesus during the tornado.  I think this is why these people survived without injury.



Two months after the tornado, recovery efforts were just beginning.  The city had been focusing on cleaning up the mountains of debris. More than 7,000 homes were destroyed.  The May 22 tornado killed 159 people, displaced 5,000 workers, smashed 10 public school buildings and ruined 18,000 cars.

The TV show Extreme Makeover is building 7 homes in Joplin and I am sure will be on the television soon.  It looks like a long recovery time for Joplin.  Keep them in your prayers.  If you would like to help, see the links below.

If you would like to help


Amanda Knox is innocent and she is home

With Amanda Knox (who was convicted of murdering her roommate Meredith Kercher in Perugia, Italy) on her way home after having her conviction overturned in Italian court, I would like to say I am happy she is free.  Meredith Kercher’s own mother said today that they don’t want the wrong person convicted of killing her daughter.

I believe Amanda Knox is innocent of this crime.  And I believe the Italian justice system botched this case in countless ways.  Here is an interesing video of a panel that was held at Seattle University in April 2011 about the case for Knox’s innocence:


Only Evil Continually

Gen 6:5-6
(5) Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
(6) And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.

Often when I read the news, I am reminded of these verses in the Old Testament.  This was said of God just before Noah and the flood.  God saw that men were so evil He decided to erase the drawing board and start over.  He destroyed the whole world, save one righteous man and his family.

As I was mulling over these verses, I wondered what God thought of TODAY’S world. I was reminded of Jesus’ words when He was asked about the time of His return.  Interestingly, He seemed to draw from the story of Noah to couch His answer about the end:

Mat 24:37
(37) “For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.


Jesus goes on to clarify that “just like the days of Noah” involves sudden destruction on the world, just like when the flood came.  But in my mind, I wondered if, like in the days of Noah, God felt the same about the world today.

I know I do. I just heard a news story about a 14 year old girl who was adopted from an abusive life in another country, only to be abused by her adopted parents.  She died in her own yard after being forced to stay outside in the cold with no clothes on.

Thank God for salvation through Jesus Christ.  But this evil world doesn’t deserve it.