Category Archives: Black Lives Matter
Critical Race Theory, BLM and the Truth
Former Slave to BLM: ‘Slavery Still Exists in Africa Today’
10/8/2021 11:59:47 AM Gary Lane CBN News
A former African slave is telling Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theory advocates that they need to go back to school to understand what is happening in Africa today and to learn that the United States offers them unique opportunities that they are unlikely to find elsewhere.
“The United States is the only country that can free you, (where) you can get a decent job and be a free man.” Bol Gai Deng insisted.
Deng is a former slave and South Sudan presidential candidate.
In this week’s episode of the CBN News Channel program The Global Lane, Deng explained that he became a slave in 1987 after the Sudanese government-backed Mujahadeen raiders kidnapped him and burned down his village.
Deng and more than 700 other captured children were forced to walk through the bush, 250 miles from their homes. He was only seven years old when merchants took him to northern Sudan to be sold into a life of brutal enslavement.
“I was beat up, I was told what to do, and sometimes they used to put chains on my legs to the point where I would become so disciplined to my master,” Deng recalled.
He escaped after three years in captivity and eventually made his way to Khartoum where he found help from a Catholic charity. Later, he traveled to Egypt where he was offered asylum in the United States.
He said BLM and CRT advocates can learn a few lessons from former slaves like him.
“I believe Black Lives Matter does not understand what is going on in Africa, they don’t know what is going on around the world,” Deng explained.
“They need to understand that slavery still exists in Africa today (where) more than 9.2 million (people) are still in captivity in slavery.”
Deng said Libya is just one example. He claimed that women in the north African country are still being sold into slavery for as little as $400 each.
Also, he suggested that people obsessed with America’s slave and racist past should view the country as a land of advancement and freedom.
“In fact, the United States is the only country in the world that can give the slave freedom to become a congresswoman. You cannot find that in the world except in the United States of America.”
And although new elections have yet to be scheduled in South Sudan, Deng has declared his candidacy for president.
How will he bring people together in a nation where the majority Dinka and minority Nuer tribes are still fighting one another?
Deng suggests tribal divisions will end once the people of the world’s newest nation embrace Christian values and begin to view themselves as Southern Sudanese instead of members of a specific tribe.
“I think what they need right now is a good leader who will understand that what is going on in South Sudan is the lack of leadership–and that is a tribal line,” the former slave explained.
“We in the Christian community believe in love,” Deng said. “We believe in peace. We believe in unity and my life in America taught me so much to the point where if you live in the United States, you are an American citizen and I believe the same philosophy could take place in South Sudan by leadership.”
Where’s BLM? Don’t Black Lives Matter? Only Certain Ones

The BLM Movement and the BLM MINDSET
George Floyd Memorial Destroyed After Being Hit by Lightning
A mural of deceased fentanyl user and Black Lives Matter icon George Floyd was destroyed earlier today in Toledo, Ohio after it was inexplicably struck by lightning, collapsing the wall entirely and likely offering a devastating blow to the morale of the local Black Lives Matter movement.
Hmmm. Hit by lightning. I believe insurance companies call that an act of God.

The FBI’s Role in the Jan. 6 Capitol Fracas Is Absolutely Disgusting
by J.B. Shark at NOQ Report
Article excerpt:
What Revolver’s analysis of the DOJ’s charging documents shows, though, is that not just BLM and Antifa, but also FBI undercover agents were almost certainly up to no good that day. That’s a lot of outside interlopers pretending to be Trump rally-goers for the FBI to insist that the same MAGA crowd that has never once engaged in violence or property damage over the course of hundreds of similar events during the last five years — dressed in patriotic garb and draped in American flags — spontaneously turned a festive, carnival-like party into a “siege” and “rebellion” against the United States. And it’s especially suspicious when video footage shows cops waving protesters into the Capitol Building and when the only person killed that day was an unarmed Air Force veteran at the hands of a yet-unidentified Capitol police officer.
To read the entire article, click the link below:
January 6 Capitol Incident Investigation
The following meme is going around liberal circles on Facebook with comments like, “Here’s a Republican who gets it.”:

I DO believe Antifa and BLM were involved in the Capitol breach and I DO want an investigation.
Who says conservative Republicans don’t want an investigation? I certainly don’t care if there is one. I can tell what will happen. The investigation will find that it was NOT instigated by Trump followers. Go for it. No problem.
Sorry to rain on your straw man, Mr. Memeposter. I believe in the truth, so I am always okay with investigations as long as they are above board.
Can’t wait for the results. I want to know how many bus loads of leftists were brought in to breach the Capitol building and then blame Trump voters. I’ve heard testimony from a couple of leftist agitators who confirmed that people were bussed in to disrupt the whole event. Leftists never seem to want to investigate THAT.
I’m also waiting to hear how 95% of the Trump supporters who were at the Trump venue a mile and a half away breached the Capitol. The timeline has showed that the Capitol was breached while Trump was still speaking. Then the people walked to the Capitol building; a 30 minute walk. By the time they arrived, the Capitol had been breached for an hour.
Trump supporters at the Capitol have testified that people showed up they did not recognize and were talking on radios about breaching the security line. Any reasonable person who values the truth should want this investigated. Who were these people that were not with the demonstrators? What was the talk about people being bussed in? Why were there people on the Capitol video recognized as leftist activists?