Category Archives: California
Drive-Thrus in Santa Barbara California
“Drive-thru businesses are unusual in Santa Barbara as the city has prohibited their construction for more than four decades.”
Article by Kate Gibson on Chick-Fil-A drive-thru traffic in Santa Barbara
Yet another form of California insanity
So Goes California, So Goes the Nation
For decades, California has been a national leader. Trends that begin in California end up in the rest of America. That’s an unnerving thought when one considers that California has essentially hit the self-destruct button. We’re just watching the countdown to detonation.
Andrea Widberg
A One Time Progressive Sees the Light
California Concerned about its Fires and Earthquakes – You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet
California has been suffering intense forest fires the last few years like I’ve never seen before. And they are well known for their devastating earthquakes.
In their eternal wisdom, they have blamed the fires on global warming. Who knows, they are probably blaming earthquakes on global warming by now. It might do them well to consider that GOD may be trying to tell them something.
California has prided itself on being so very much more progressive then the rest of the country. But what a lot of people like me see is that California has become a state that dares to defy God and His Word at every turn. The state is becoming so demonized that they seem to look for ways to defy God. And I think God is beginning to give the state small doses of His judgment to wake them up.
The latest ungodly action in California is Gov.. Newsom’s signature on a bill that allows children as young as 12 to obtain abortions, sexual assault treatment, drug abuse and mental health treatment, cross-sex hormones, and puberty blockers without their parents knowledge or consent. Yet the parents insurance pays the bill and the parents pay the deductibles. This usurpation of parental authority is inexcusable.
As a believing Christian, the state government of California is extremely offensive to me because it is offensive to God. They can no longer be seen as wayward souls but are in open rebellion against God.
California, you have experienced a small taste of Gods judgment. You need to repent from all your ungodly rebellion and get right with God.
Or I fear that you ain’t seen nothing yet. If you are not appropriately judged for your ungodliness, God is going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.
Ben Shapiro on the Failed Attempt to Recall Newsom in CALIFORNIA: Get Out While You Can!
Irredeemable. Inevitable state of complete collapse and decline.
Sacramento Leftist Activist High School Teacher Caught by Undercover Project Veritas
SACRAMENTO (CBS13) — The Natomas Unified School District said it is taking steps to fire the teacher placed on paid leave after allegedly being caught on video claiming he keeps an Antifa flag in his classroom and encourages students to go to protests.
The district said it is taking the legally required next steps to place the teacher on unpaid leave and remove him from the staff.
Right-wing organization Project Veritas filmed and edited the video they say shows Inderkum High School government teacher Gabriel Gipe having a controversial conversation off-campus.
“I have 180 days to turn them into revolutionaries,” Gipe allegedly said in the video, and later continued, “I have an Antifa flag on my wall. A student complained about that and said it made them feel uncomfortable. Well, it’s meant to make fascists feel uncomfortable, I don’t know what to tell you.”
Here is the video of the undercover conversation.
Parents showed up tonight at the Natomas Unified School District board meeting and expressed their opinions. Here is a typical parent.
Natomas Unified School District issued a statement, saying it was aware of the video and was looking into it. “We understand that parents and Natomas community members have expressed their concern about the contents of this video,” the statement read, in part. “We respect and recognize their expressions of concern. Natomas Unified, as always, will look into this matter and take any appropriate actions as necessary. District policy explicitly states, ‘Whenever civic education includes topics that may be controversial due to political beliefs or other influences, instruction shall be presented in a balanced manner that does not promote any particular viewpoint.’ That is always the expectation.”
“Sadly, a number of emails have come in from outside our community that express hate and threats,” the statement added. “There is sad irony in that outsiders are expressing displeasure towards the individual teacher while also using intense vulgarity, hate speech and threats of violence.”
In other words, the school board is promising to “look into it” and “take appropriate action”, so in the meanwhile, we will paint those concerned in the worst possible light. School board, just do your damn job for a change!
California’s gig worker Prop 22 ruled unconstitutional by superior court
Well, one can always count on California socialists to come down on the wrong side of anything regarding the economy. Companies like Uber, Lyft, Doordash and Grubhub fill a niche in the economy that not only fits perfectly with many customers, but with the drivers too. I am an Uber Eats driver myself. I haven’t been out in quite a while because I don’t really need the money. But when I was driving, it was to occasionally supplement my income. I didn’t need benefits or retirement or anything like that. It was a perfect fit for me.
But here is the thing. My wife and I use these services occasionally and a meal for 2 from most places now runs a minimum of $50. If these companies are forced to supply the usual benefits to employees, that price will probably double. Even with a 50% increase, I would probably stop using them. It would be too expensive. And while these companies would simply be doing what many people think is right, their service would immediately stop being a perfect fit for me as a customer.
And I would ask all the west coast socialists, “What happens when these businesses dry up?” These food delivery services are a convenience, not a necessity. When push comes to shove, customers will just stop using the services. Then what?
Lanesplitting in California
I was reading a short article justifying lanesplitting. Lanesplitting is when a motorcycle rides between slow or stopped vehicles on the divider line between lanes.
The article stated,
It may seem incredibly unsafe for a motorcycle to weave in and out between vehicles, but this practice is completely legal in California.
Lawmakers made it legal in 2016 because they saw the benefits of this practice. Lane splitting can help free up congestion on roadways, allows you to better navigate safely on the road and can let you avoid sitting in traffic jams. This not only helps you as a biker but also other vehicles on the road as it reduces traffic and can help avoid accidents.
Another huge benefit is the reduction of pollution.
The article should say it may seem incredibly unsafe…. and this practice is completely legal in California. Saying something is legal in California is definitely not a way to make it look reasonable.
I’m beginning to understand why I always hit a brick wall talking sense. People in this country are mentally ill. Everything that was once bad is good now. Everything is upside down and backwards.
By the way, this video ended with two pages of text that railed on the vehicle drivers and how it was their fault he wrecked while doing something legal.
Common sense is no longer common.
The Best Walkaway Story Ive Ever Heard
In case you don’t know, the #Walkaway movement was started by a former Democrat turned Republican for people to share their stories on social media about walking away from the Democrat party.
This is the most interesting and profound story I’ve heard to date. A young school teacher turned ER nurse shares her story of moving from progressive to conservative.