Category Archives: Censorship

Whatever Happened to Innocent Until Proven Guilty?

Aug 30, 2023

To the Editor,

Most recently, there was a letter to the editor that proclaimed that President Trump had “committed serious crimes, and must be held accountable.”

There must be something in the DNA of radical dems that prevent them from applying the most basic tenet of our justice system regarding guilt (Duke lacrosse, Nicholas Sandmann, Kyle Rittenhouse).

An indictment is not a conviction, and the author of the letter must subscribe to the Lester Holt philosophy of, “I think it’s become clearer that fairness is over-rated.”

Let us probe a bit into the indictments. Each indictment took place in a deep blue city. Each indictment was brought by a deep blue DA who has higher political aspirations in the radical dem party. Frankly, if the DAs could not get an indictment in this venue, then they should turn in their DA credentials.

Each indictment has stretched the law immeasurably, arguably to the extent of infringing upon the “freedom of speech.

The author also brought up the so-called Jan. 6 “insurrection.” If that was an insurrection, then it must have been planned by the same people who planned the Afghanistan evac fiasco. For comparison, let us look at the riots of the summer of 2020 in Seattle and Portland. Or, better yet, tanks rolling down the highway toward Moscow. Now those are insurrections.

Here are the last few words uttered by President Trump on Jan. 6, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”

Now, that is truly insurrection, right?

The author finally tries to wrap herself in patriotic rhetoric when she wrote, “there can be no more serious crime than a conspiracy to overturn the foundation of our democracy.” Thankfully, she was not a decision maker in 1776.

Well, if fairness was not overrated then she would be questioning the present administration. She would be wondering why no one has been held accountable for the fake dossier paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign. The tampered F.I.S.A. warrant about which the management in the FBI know. The collusion of the government with Facebook and Twitter to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story. Where is her outrage? There is none, just selective outrage.

Were it not for the fact that the radical dem party was out to get Trump from the moment he walked down the escalator in New York I probably would be more open to persuasion of guilt. But they have tried everything short of assassination, and I am not entirely sure about that. But each time I ask a radical dem to give me a policy enacted while Trump was president that adversely affected them or the nation, their response has been “crickets.”

Fairness is not overrated and people are still innocent until proven guilty. But under the attacks by the radical dems, I do not know how much longer that will remain true.



Exposes Lying Campaign Regarding Biden Laptop

The Left’s Lies Keep Getting Worse about Trump and Trump Supporters

God bless Bill Maher for trying to stand in the gap between the left and the right. He is a liberal and has been a Never-Trumper. But he occasionally gets things right (in my opinion) because he is a truth seeker. And I believe he is in the process of discovering just how twisted and deceived the left has become. I expect him one day to become moderate right politically. I think he already is – he just doesn’t quite realize it yet.

At any rate, look at how crazy and zany the Jan 6 story has gotten from reprobates like Reiner and Klobachar. The left made up the whole idea of an “insurrection” as a talking point. Now Klobachar is calling it an ”armed insurrection” and Reiner has taken it to ”killing people in the Capitol”. The only person killed in the Capitol was an UNARMED young woman by the name of Ashli Babbit shot by a rogue Capitol policeman.

Look at how out of touch both of them are with the media corruption problem. Both Reiner and Klobachar think the media speak the gospel truth when the experience of those on the political right is that the mainstream media LIES about everything, especially Donald Trump.

Fortunately, Maher is now wise to the media and is actually questioning them. He is also wise to MSNBC. Thank God for small miracles.

And once again, Trump DID NOT lead an armed insurrection! Thats nothing but a steaming pile of horse excrement. But the left hangs on to it because its the only thing that stuck after 5 years of attacking the man. Its pathetic. Its wrong. Its evil. And its unAmerican.

Aunt Jemima and Cancel Culture Idiots

A great woman erased from history by idiots.
The branding of the syrup was a tribute to this woman’s gifts and talents. Now future generations will not even know this beautiful woman existed. What a shame. The world knew her as “Aunt Jemima”, but her given name was Nancy Green and she was a true American success story. She was born a slave in 1834 Montgomery County, KY. and became a wealthy superstar in the advertising world, as its first living trademark. Green was 56-yrs old when she was selected as spokesperson for a new ready-mixed, self-rising pancake flour and made her debut in 1893 at a fair and exposition in Chicago. She demonstrated the pancake mix and served thousands of pancakes, and became an immediate star. She was a good storyteller, her personality was warm and appealing, and her showmanship was exceptional. Her exhibition booth drew so many people that special security personnel were assigned to keep the crowds moving. Nancy Green was signed to a lifetime contract, traveled on promotional tours all over the country, and was extremely well paid. Her financial freedom and stature as a national spokesperson enabled her to become a leading advocate against poverty and in favor of equal rights for all Americans. She maintained her job until her death in 1923, at age 89. This was a remarkable woman, and sadly she has been ERASED by politics. I wanted you to know and remind you in this cancel culture time period.

Leftists Threaten to Leave Twitter after Receiving News Musk Purchased It

Well, the news hit today that Elon Musk is buying Twitter. As of yet, nothing has changed on Twitter. The deal is yet to be final.
But that has not stopped leftists from causing #leavingtwitter to trend. Here is an example of a typical reaction.

I wonder if these people realize the glaring difference between conservatives like me who left Twitter to these people threatening to leave. A large number of conservatives are no longer on Twitter because they got CANCELLED by Twitter* management for the sin of having the wrong opinion. I left in support of those people. They even cancelled the sitting president of the United States. 
Along comes Elon Musk who promises to restore FREE SPEECH and these leftists immediately threaten to leave because “ I’m going to miss the days when I could open Twitter and not see a total Trump shit show.” In other words, I’m going to miss the days when conservatives were silenced.
Do these people even realize what they are saying? They are not good Americans. They are fascists.

YouTube Labels John MacArthur’s Sermon Hate Speech After He Said God Made Us ‘Male and Female’

1/19/2022 03:40:47 PM Steve Warren CBN

YouTube has censored a Bible-based sermon, labeling it as “hate speech” because it isn’t pro-LGBTQ+.

Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in Los Angeles, CA, preached a sermon Sunday about biblical sexuality, which as CBN’s Faithwire reported was part of an effort by pastors across North America to protest a new Canadian law that took effect Jan. 8 after being pushed through Parliament with little debate.

The concern is that Canada’s Bill C-4 is broadly worded and could, in effect, ban biblical teachings on sexual ethics, and might even limit personal communications on the subject. Preachers are protesting the law at the pulpits, with 4,000 pastors affirming their opposition as well as willingness to speak out against it, Fox Newsreported.

According to Liberty Coalition Canada, the bill’s wording is broad enough to allow for “the criminal prosecution of Christians who would speak biblical truth into the lives of those in bondage to sexual sins like homosexuality and transgenderism.”

READ  4,000 Pastors Unite Against Canada’s New LGBTQ Conversion Therapy Law, Warn It Will ‘Criminalize Christianity’

Standing in the pulpit on Sunday, MacArthur said, “There is no such thing as transgender. You are either XX or XY, that’s it. God made man male and female. That is determined genetically, that is physiology, that is science, that is reality.”

“On the one hand, the reality of that lie and deception is so damaging, so destructive, so isolating, so corrupting that it needs to be confronted, but on the other hand, that confrontation can’t exaggerate what already exists, which is a sense of feeling isolated in relationships,” he said.

But YouTube removed MacArthur’s sermon from its platform and told conservative commentator Todd Starnesthat MacArthur’s video presentation was “hate speech.”

“Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our hate speech policy,” YouTube said, according to Starnes. “We’ve removed the following content from YouTube: ‘There is no such thing as transgender. You are either XX or XY. That’s it. – Pastor John MacArthur.'”

Starnes noted in his blog, “In other words, YouTube affirmed the Canadian law by banning any opposition to transgenderism on their platform.”

Jenna Ellis, special counsel for the Thomas More Society, who represented MacArthur when Los Angeles County tried to shut down Grace Church for defying pandemic-induced health orders, spoke out against YouTube’s censorship of MacArthur’s sermon. 

“The big tech oligarchy in the United States is implementing the equivalent of Canada’s insane law by censoring truth and the right of pastors to teach the Bible,” Ellis told the conservative commentator. “If Americans don’t stop big tech, this new Regime will circumvent the Constitution to foreclose our fundamental rights to speak and exercise religion and the impact will be devastating.”

Critics worry the law will perpetuate religious persecution and could even govern private conversations. “Americans should be preparing for a time when pastors and religious leaders will face persecution for teaching the Word of God,” Starnes warned.