Category Archives: Corruption of America

Pathetic Result of Obama and California policies

Actually, The whole west coast is like this. This part of the country is infested with leftist thinking. Here is one of many results. California is the worst. But leftists have proven that they refuse to learn from their mistakes, so they won’t be offering any workable solutions. Until California wakes up, it will only get worse.

BTW, I had never heard of a tent city until Obama. This is NOT normal for America.

The Obama Years: A Legacy of Scandal and Deception

By Ari Lieberman

On December 13, former vice president, Joe Biden, appeared on CBS with the hosts of “This Morning” where he peddled his new book and showered his former boss with praise. During the course of the interview, he was asked about his relationship with Obama and responded with the following; “I’ve served with eight presidents and I’ve gotten to know four of them very well. I’ve never met any president that has more character, more integrity, and more backbone than this guy does.” Then he went completely off the rails when he absurdly added; “And eight years, not a hint — not a hint — of a scandal.”

What was perhaps even more outrageous than the statement itself was the fact that none of This Morning’s hosts challenged the veracity of that statement and allowed it to pass without a scintilla of scrutiny, exposing yet again an extreme bias existing within elements of the establishment media. In fact, the Obama administration was among the most corrupt and scandal-ridden in recent memory. Biden’s comment merits further examination so let’s buckle up and take a stroll down memory lane.

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