Trump/Obama – A Little Perspective

I’m really tired of reading how business owners are “forced” to layoff workers. No one made them do that. They chose to do that. Not saying it isn’t a hard choice, during a hard time, but to say they were forced obscures their agency AND casts owners/CEOs as the victims.
Sally Kohn, liberal commentator
This was said during the COVID19 shutdown.
It has been my experience that Democrats honestly don’t understand economics. At the depth of the housing bubble burst, all they wanted to do was spend money. The 20 trillion dollar national debt does not phase them.
Now we have a president who is really turning the economy around. Large companies all over the country are giving bonuses and raises and investing again. Democrats should be just as happy as anyone else. Our country has needed this for a long time. But what has been the reaction?
Here is Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s reaction:
Actually, The whole west coast is like this. This part of the country is infested with leftist thinking. Here is one of many results. California is the worst. But leftists have proven that they refuse to learn from their mistakes, so they won’t be offering any workable solutions. Until California wakes up, it will only get worse.
BTW, I had never heard of a tent city until Obama. This is NOT normal for America.
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by Timothy Terrell