Category Archives: Election Fraud
PA Voters File Lawsuit to Delay Certification After Officials Detoured from Counting Center into a Closed Building for 6 Hours on Election Day
“That is the definition of voter fraud. It’s too bad we no longer have a DOJ or law enforcement who will investigate actions like this. They’re too busy plotting against Trump supporters.”
Durham: Clinton Campaign Paid to Infiltrate Trump Servers to Link Trump to Russia
Whoopi Rails Against the Leftist FICTION that Voter ID = Voter SUPPRESSION
Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene in the Warroom – Jan 6 and the 2020 Election
Pampers in the White House – Disgusted and Grossed Out
Nothing to See Here

Early Findings of the Arizona Election Audit
Analysis of Ballot Images in Georgia County Shows ‘Provable Fraud’ in Audit: Election Integrity Group
A group seeking to ensure that elections are run fairly said this week that an in-depth analysis of mail-in ballot images obtained through a court order shows that the hand-count audit in Fulton County, Georgia, last year “was riddled with massive errors and provable fraud.”
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Democrats are Such Snakes and Their Followers Such Embiciles
In our system of government, our elected officials are supposed to get together, debate and make law. Democrats are so corrupt now that in Texas, their new strategy is to flee their state so their house of representatives cannot do their jobs. This effort is so disingenuous, immature and corrupt. I would be embarrassed to be this Texas Democrat. I’m glad the moderator tore him apart and exposed his corruption. The United States does not need snakes like this in our government.