Category Archives: Jan 6
Witness Clearly Testifying that Antifa Disrupters were at the Capitol Up to No Good
Trump Supporter Thwarting Antifa Window Breaker
More Testimony That Those breaking into Capitol were Not Trump Supporters
Trump Supporters Stopping Antifa from Breaching capitol
More Evidence Trump Supporters TRYING to Stop Antifa from Breaching Capitol
Jan 6 According to Blind Leftists

Evidence and Testimony that Leftists were at the Capitol on Jan 6 to Disrupt the Protest
Ben on Tucker Carlson Emails, Media Leaks, Critical Race Theory, Leftist Indoctrination of our Kids and Jan 6
- 00:00 Tucker Carlson Emails & Media Leaks
- 14:24 The Left Gives Up on Patriotism
- 17:30 Indoctrinating Our Children / Critical Race Theory
- 36:58 Jan 6
The FBI’s Role in the Jan. 6 Capitol Fracas Is Absolutely Disgusting
by J.B. Shark at NOQ Report
Article excerpt:
What Revolver’s analysis of the DOJ’s charging documents shows, though, is that not just BLM and Antifa, but also FBI undercover agents were almost certainly up to no good that day. That’s a lot of outside interlopers pretending to be Trump rally-goers for the FBI to insist that the same MAGA crowd that has never once engaged in violence or property damage over the course of hundreds of similar events during the last five years — dressed in patriotic garb and draped in American flags — spontaneously turned a festive, carnival-like party into a “siege” and “rebellion” against the United States. And it’s especially suspicious when video footage shows cops waving protesters into the Capitol Building and when the only person killed that day was an unarmed Air Force veteran at the hands of a yet-unidentified Capitol police officer.
To read the entire article, click the link below: