Category Archives: Lawlessness

Frogs in Pots of Water

Hey all of you American frogs in pots of water. Have you noticed the water getting hotter and hotter and hotter? In 2021, we now have organized shoplifting going on in flash mobs. We have mass killings. We have child porn. We have a president in cahoots with communist China – that is, when he is coherent. We now have a 3rd COVID variant. We have people losing their jobs over COVID. We have a corrupt FBI, a corrupt Speaker of the House, massive censoring of truth on social media and colleges teaching kids that all white people are irredeemably racist. We have a mainstream media that colludes with the government against political enemies instead of being our check on government. We have high school teachers propagandizing our kids into socialism, marxism and racism. We have teachers accusing concerned parents of being terrorists. We have homelessness on the streets of our cities (aka severe drug problems). And our southern border is overwhelmed with people coming in illegally with half the country in favor of the invasion.

The water is getting very hot in our American pot. I’m not sure how long our nation will last but I can see a day when the United States could actually fall. What do you see?

Democrats are Such Snakes and Their Followers Such Embiciles

In our system of government, our elected officials are supposed to get together, debate and make law. Democrats are so corrupt now that in Texas, their new strategy is to flee their state so their house of representatives cannot do their jobs. This effort is so disingenuous, immature and corrupt. I would be embarrassed to be this Texas Democrat. I’m glad the moderator tore him apart and exposed his corruption. The United States does not need snakes like this in our government.

The FBI’s Role in the Jan. 6 Capitol Fracas Is Absolutely Disgusting

by J.B. Shark at NOQ Report

Article excerpt:

What Revolver’s analysis of the DOJ’s charging documents shows, though, is that not just BLM and Antifa, but also FBI undercover agents were almost certainly up to no good that day.  That’s a lot of outside interlopers pretending to be Trump rally-goers for the FBI to insist that the same MAGA crowd that has never once engaged in violence or property damage over the course of hundreds of similar events during the last five years — dressed in patriotic garb and draped in American flags — spontaneously turned a festive, carnival-like party into a “siege” and “rebellion” against the United States.  And it’s especially suspicious when video footage shows cops waving protesters into the Capitol Building and when the only person killed that day was an unarmed Air Force veteran at the hands of a yet-unidentified Capitol police officer.

To read the entire article, click the link below:

Observe the Wrath of Conservatives VS the Left

The 2020 election seems lost by Donald Trump. Biden’s team is transitioning as I write this. Twitter and Facebook are full of Democrats and Leftists harassing and promising retribution to “Trumpers” for all the offensive things they imagine have been done to them. Also in the works is the investigation and litigation pertaining to massive fraud in this election from many sources. Not the least of which is the scandalous information surfacing about the Dominion voting machines that have been known to be designed to skew elections. Venezuela is only too aware of Dominion.

But what I would like to call your attention to is the lack of lawlessness and violence from the disappointed right. That is because we are good citizens who believe in law and order. We are VERY concerned about this election, not only because Donald Trump has not had time to finish what he started. But we are also concerned about the corruption we see in our country. Yet, there is virtually NO violence, no rioting, no broken storefront glass, no burning cars, no police getting spit on, no CHAZ and no shootings. Conservatives are good, God fearing people. We are the future of this country.

Now I’m going to make a prediction tonight. I’ve been watching the election aftermath pretty closely and it looks like while the left has been gloating over their Biden win, they have failed to pay attention to the evidence coming out that this election involved so much corruption that President Trump may still win. And since the media has set the stage for a massive disappointing shock by forcing a call for Biden’s win before the election has been certified, all holy hell is going to break loose when the election is called for Trump. I predict the left will not be able to contain their evil intents when told they didn’t win the election, that they lost once again to Donald Trump.

These people have no scruples and have never seen a law they weren’t intent on working around or just plain breaking. I predict that the left, when faced with the kind of disappointment the right has been dealing with for the last weeks, will come completely unglued and will start burning the country down…. again. Mark my words.

The Violence Comes from the Left

All of these videos come from the Washington, D. C. events that occurred after the election. It is ALWAYS these leftist BLM/Antifa thugs attacking peaceful Trump supporters.

Black Lives Matter Attacks an Innocent Black Family because they support Trump

Good vs Evil