Category Archives: Leftism
America at War with Its Own Citizens
Consider what Tucker is saying. The temperature in this country needs to come down a few hundred degrees and everyone needs to stop assuming the worst of everyone. Or maybe myself and my mother really are dangerous terrorists.*
The insanity in this country right now is hard to believe. And that’s because too many people are jumping to crazy conclusions and thinking the worst of people who are just normal American citizens.
Tuckers words:
* If there were 400 people who breached the Capitol and a mix of leftist agitators (re: my previous email about witnesses and evidence to the fact that BLM/Antifa bussed in people to infiltrate the protest), I’m going to say it was a 50/50 mix of left and right. That means about 200 Trump supporters were in the capitol building. The protest was permitted for 30,000 people. After watching the video below, I personally think it was more like twice that many, but for my little demonstration, I’ll use the 30,000 figure. That means 200 of 30,000 broke into the Capitol building. I do not condone what they did, but in defense of all the people in the video below who were ONLY peacefully protesting, please note that that rate means if you took my graduating high school class of 900 who filled up most of our football field on graduation day, about 5 individuals would be accused of breaking in to the Capitol. And with that, the left is trying to taint the entire political right as insurrectionists.
Conservative Republican and/or Trump supporters are NOT insurrectionists! That’s what I mean about the temperature being too high. Trump supporters were the peaceful people you see in this video below. It’s just like a few years ago whenever the Tea Party people had a protest, they left the place cleaner than they found it but were immediately accused of being violent and dangerous.
Jan 6, 2021, the other 99%:
In closing, I will use myself as an example. I came to Seattle in 1979 to go to Bible college. I immediately entered into a situation where my new church was misunderstood and lied against from the day I arrived until…… well, last week. I eventually migrated over to political discussions and discovered that the same divide existed in politics. And the bottom line is this; the story was the same at my church and being a conservative, Republican Trump supporter. In both cases, the opposition never listened to our sound arguments, but only accused us with lies and slander. And in both cases, when something very bad happened at the end, the opposition decided that they were right all along and defined both movements by the end only. Very wrong and inaccurate in both cases. Only this time, after 42 years of this crap, my patience has run out with people who simply refuse to be acquainted with the truth.
If I were on the left, I would heed Tucker’s words because if the average person on the right feels like I do because of the vindictiveness of the left, this nation is going to turn very violent very soon.
The Party in Power is Demonizing Half of Americans
Do you agree with Joe Biden promising to root out terrorism and white supremacy? What if you found out he and the Democrats have carefully crafted a new definition of those two things to include YOU?
Stuff Your Outrage Liberals
20 Corrosive Liberal Beliefs That Are Destroying America
by Dan Bongino
1) It’s acceptable to accuse people of racism without proof and with no consequences if you’re wrong.
2) That you can change gender just because you decide to do it and that, worse yet, everyone else must ignore science and biology and pretend you are whatever gender you claim to be even if it isn’t true.
3) That the correct way to deal with people that say things liberals disagree with is to censor them and prevent them from having their opinions heard at all.
4) That we can have a multi-cultural, multi-racial society, while liberals simultaneously encourage all these groups to separate themselves off and hate members of other groups.
5) That the only reason anyone could disagree with a liberal policy is hate and bigotry.
6) That people shouldn’t try to learn from the rich and successful because those people must have cheated somehow to have gotten ahead.
7) That politics has to be part of EVERYTHING from entertainment, to pro-sports, to business, to education. Anywhere liberals get a foothold, the first thing they do is aggressively use it to shove radical liberal views in your face.
8) That it’s okay for college-age men to be tarred as rapists in a college kangaroo court that is stacked against them based on flimsy evidence.
9) That there is no difference between an immigrant who follows our laws and comes here legally and an illegal alien who comes here illegally, acquires forged documentation, and doesn’t even speak our language.
10) That socialism, which has proven to be an economic disaster all over the world is superior to capitalism, which has undeniably lifted more people out of poverty than any other economic system known to man.
11) That big government is the answer to every problem, even though we can never hold it responsible for its endless failures, poor performance, and out-of-control costs.
12) That we can borrow as much money as we want, forevermore, without consequence or without ever having to pay it back.
13) That the news media isn’t all about reporting facts or telling people what happened. On the contrary, to liberals, the news business is nothing more than a way to spread propaganda helpful to their cause and hurts the other side.
14) If you need a “safe space,” want “personal pronouns,” or think you’re a different sex than you were born as, liberals believe that’s everyone else’s problem, not your problem. They believe it’s everyone else’s responsibility to cater to your personal issues, weaknesses, and failings instead of your responsibility to deal with your own issues.
15) That despite the fact America is the most successful, prosperous nation in history, it’s actually a terrible, awful, hateful, unjust, racist country that needs to be changed from top to bottom.
16) That great American heroes of the past who changed this country for the better should be reviled because they held some beliefs that were normal for the times they lived in, but that we find repellant today.
17) That people who don’t agree with them on scientific issues, “don’t believe in science.”
18) That a police officer that kills a violent, armed black man that attacks them automatically went too far and is a racist if they happen to be white.
19) It’s okay for protesters to loot, riot, attack people they disagree with, and break the law, practically with impunity, as long as they’re protesting for a cause that liberals agree with.
20) That every good thing you’ve said, done, and accomplished is less important than one bad joke or offensive tweet, even if you said it years ago.
Observe the Wrath of Conservatives VS the Left
The 2020 election seems lost by Donald Trump. Biden’s team is transitioning as I write this. Twitter and Facebook are full of Democrats and Leftists harassing and promising retribution to “Trumpers” for all the offensive things they imagine have been done to them. Also in the works is the investigation and litigation pertaining to massive fraud in this election from many sources. Not the least of which is the scandalous information surfacing about the Dominion voting machines that have been known to be designed to skew elections. Venezuela is only too aware of Dominion.
But what I would like to call your attention to is the lack of lawlessness and violence from the disappointed right. That is because we are good citizens who believe in law and order. We are VERY concerned about this election, not only because Donald Trump has not had time to finish what he started. But we are also concerned about the corruption we see in our country. Yet, there is virtually NO violence, no rioting, no broken storefront glass, no burning cars, no police getting spit on, no CHAZ and no shootings. Conservatives are good, God fearing people. We are the future of this country.
Now I’m going to make a prediction tonight. I’ve been watching the election aftermath pretty closely and it looks like while the left has been gloating over their Biden win, they have failed to pay attention to the evidence coming out that this election involved so much corruption that President Trump may still win. And since the media has set the stage for a massive disappointing shock by forcing a call for Biden’s win before the election has been certified, all holy hell is going to break loose when the election is called for Trump. I predict the left will not be able to contain their evil intents when told they didn’t win the election, that they lost once again to Donald Trump.
These people have no scruples and have never seen a law they weren’t intent on working around or just plain breaking. I predict that the left, when faced with the kind of disappointment the right has been dealing with for the last weeks, will come completely unglued and will start burning the country down…. again. Mark my words.
The Violence Comes from the Left
All of these videos come from the Washington, D. C. events that occurred after the election. It is ALWAYS these leftist BLM/Antifa thugs attacking peaceful Trump supporters.
Black Lives Matter Attacks an Innocent Black Family because they support Trump
Good vs Evil
We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood
This happened during the protests in D.C. after the 2020 election. There were two gatherings – one pro-Trump and one anti-Trump (BLM/Antifa). I believe this man came from the pro-Trump rally and walked by the anti-Trump people.
Just like clockwork, the pro-Trump people prove to be peaceful and respectful. The anti-Trump BLM/Antifa crowd quite the opposite.
Note that one of the men who rescue this guy lays hands on him and prays for him. This is literally God vs Satan.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”
Eph 6:12 (KJV)
The Violent Left
Perhaps we can now drop the ‘both sides’ equivalence and admit why US cities boarded-up last week? Fears of looting and arson were only if Trump got re-elected. A self-questioning left would reflect here: Are you happy about having become the side of implicit, expected violence?
The Best Walkaway Story Ive Ever Heard
In case you don’t know, the #Walkaway movement was started by a former Democrat turned Republican for people to share their stories on social media about walking away from the Democrat party.
This is the most interesting and profound story I’ve heard to date. A young school teacher turned ER nurse shares her story of moving from progressive to conservative.