Why would Pres. Trump call Haiti a shithole? Maybe because IT IS A SHITHOLE!
Why would Pres. Trump call Haiti a shithole? Maybe because IT IS A SHITHOLE!
Gingrich explains why Trump won, how what is perceived by the Left as Trump’s weakness is really his genius and the difference between the establishment and MAGA.
Everyone should watch this playlist which is only about half of the film. You should watch it OR disqualify yourself from voting in 2012. It’s available on Netflix or the web.
Breitbart has videos and plans to expose not only Obama but the radical left in 2012. Take a listen.
I gasp in disbelief when I hear anyone from the left say the media is not biased. So I’m starting a new category here with this post. The category is “Media Bias” and here is the story.
The obvious contrast between the Tea Party and the Occupy Wall Street people is there for all to see. I’ve read comments from police about how peaceful and lawful the Tea Party protests were. Some have said it was like being on vacation. And I’ve seen photos showing that on average, Tea Party people left the place cleaner than they found it.
On the left, the Occupy people first got hung up on simply leaving at all, let alone leaving the place clean. And the evidence has been there for all to see that the OWS has been lawless, dirty and aimless. Thousands have been arrested and the locations have been left looking like the city dump.
Yet our unbiased mainstream media names the “Protester” as “Person of the Year” and the Tea Party as “extremist”. It’s like walking through Alice’s Looking Glass!
Here’s the link to an article that inspired this post:
Such a Double Standard: Tea Party Was ‘Extremist’ But OWS ‘Protester’ Is ‘Person of the Year’