The following quote was a comment on a Youtube about the Jessy Smollett scandal where he faked an attack on himself by mythical white MAGA supporters. Turns out the whole incident was orchestrated and financed by Smollett himself. The comment:
Don’t overlook the evil it takes to not only conceive of the plot, but to keep the lie going with fake emotion. That is straight up high level demon stuff folks. Appearing to be good is the finest tool that evil has. There is no similar response from good, because good can not pretend to be evil.
Rep. Devin Nunes, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee says that he expects the Justice Department Special Counsel John Durham to release a “damaging report” on the FBI’s failed investigation into former President Donald Trump’s alleged ties with Russia.
He stated that the report could be available as early as next week.
Nunes said that thinks prison sentences could fall on a number of former senior Obama officials, according to Sara Carter.
I am presently working on a refutation of 5 lies about Donald Trump that were posted in a meme by a family member. It took this person 5 seconds to post the meme. I am on my 2nd week of accumulating evidence and video clips to complete the refutation. And so it goes if you value the truth. As the saying says, a lie can travel around the world before the truth gets out of bed.
The maddening thing is that the political left is forever inventing and spreading lies that take 5 seconds to post and 2 weeks to refute. I wish people on the left would do their homework. They would discover they are expending tremendous amounts of time, energy and money on worthless, devious lies.
None the less, Trump was right about the items in this video and the items I am refuting. The left opposition was completely wrong. Maliciously wrong.
Consider what Tucker is saying. The temperature in this country needs to come down a few hundred degrees and everyone needs to stop assuming the worst of everyone. Or maybe myself and my mother really are dangerous terrorists.*
The insanity in this country right now is hard to believe. And that’s because too many people are jumping to crazy conclusions and thinking the worst of people who are just normal American citizens. Tuckers words:
* If there were 400 people who breached the Capitol and a mix of leftist agitators (re: my previous email about witnesses and evidence to the fact that BLM/Antifa bussed in people to infiltrate the protest), I’m going to say it was a 50/50 mix of left and right. That means about 200 Trump supporters were in the capitol building. The protest was permitted for 30,000 people. After watching the video below, I personally think it was more like twice that many, but for my little demonstration, I’ll use the 30,000 figure. That means 200 of 30,000 broke into the Capitol building. I do not condone what they did, but in defense of all the people in the video below who were ONLY peacefully protesting, please note that that rate means if you took my graduating high school class of 900 who filled up most of our football field on graduation day, about 5 individuals would be accused of breaking in to the Capitol. And with that, the left is trying to taint the entire political right as insurrectionists.
Conservative Republican and/or Trump supporters are NOT insurrectionists! That’s what I mean about the temperature being too high. Trump supporters were the peaceful people you see in this video below. It’s just like a few years ago whenever the Tea Party people had a protest, they left the place cleaner than they found it but were immediately accused of being violent and dangerous. Jan 6, 2021, the other 99%:
In closing, I will use myself as an example. I came to Seattle in 1979 to go to Bible college. I immediately entered into a situation where my new church was misunderstood and lied against from the day I arrived until…… well, last week. I eventually migrated over to political discussions and discovered that the same divide existed in politics. And the bottom line is this; the story was the same at my church and being a conservative, Republican Trump supporter. In both cases, the opposition never listened to our sound arguments, but only accused us with lies and slander. And in both cases, when something very bad happened at the end, the opposition decided that they were right all along and defined both movements by the end only. Very wrong and inaccurate in both cases. Only this time, after 42 years of this crap, my patience has run out with people who simply refuse to be acquainted with the truth.
If I were on the left, I would heed Tucker’s words because if the average person on the right feels like I do because of the vindictiveness of the left, this nation is going to turn very violent very soon.
The 2020 election seems lost by Donald Trump. Biden’s team is transitioning as I write this. Twitter and Facebook are full of Democrats and Leftists harassing and promising retribution to “Trumpers” for all the offensive things they imagine have been done to them. Also in the works is the investigation and litigation pertaining to massive fraud in this election from many sources. Not the least of which is the scandalous information surfacing about the Dominion voting machines that have been known to be designed to skew elections. Venezuela is only too aware of Dominion.
But what I would like to call your attention to is the lack of lawlessness and violence from the disappointed right. That is because we are good citizens who believe in law and order. We are VERY concerned about this election, not only because Donald Trump has not had time to finish what he started. But we are also concerned about the corruption we see in our country. Yet, there is virtually NO violence, no rioting, no broken storefront glass, no burning cars, no police getting spit on, no CHAZ and no shootings. Conservatives are good, God fearing people. We are the future of this country.
Now I’m going to make a prediction tonight. I’ve been watching the election aftermath pretty closely and it looks like while the left has been gloating over their Biden win, they have failed to pay attention to the evidence coming out that this election involved so much corruption that President Trump may still win. And since the media has set the stage for a massive disappointing shock by forcing a call for Biden’s win before the election has been certified, all holy hell is going to break loose when the election is called for Trump. I predict the left will not be able to contain their evil intents when told they didn’t win the election, that they lost once again to Donald Trump.
These people have no scruples and have never seen a law they weren’t intent on working around or just plain breaking. I predict that the left, when faced with the kind of disappointment the right has been dealing with for the last weeks, will come completely unglued and will start burning the country down…. again. Mark my words.
Since I have had to endure many speeches about what an awful misogynist Donald Trump is, I wonder what those same accusers think of these accusations against Joe Biden. Not to mention the antics of American media, aka 60 Minutes.
This is the most complete indictment of media bias ever.
Why does CBS think voters in…Australia need to know about these serious charges against Biden, but not voters in…America (where he’s actually on the ballot)?
If you would like to have all the details on what has been going on between the US government and Ukraine, between the Hillary campaign, the a Trump campaign and Ukraine and the US mainstream media, this is the Holy Grail.