Read it for yourself. BLM leaders are calling forth spirits of the dead and looking to them for empowerment. Here's my article with relevant links:
— Dr. Michael L. Brown (@DrMichaelLBrown) September 1, 2020
Category Archives: Spiritual
I Thought Separation of Church and State Was a Two-Way Street
“Ladies and gentlemen, under the guise of separation of church and state, under the confusion that the Constitution dictates freedom from religion rather than freedom of religion, modern America has thrown prayer out of schools, wants to erase “in god we trust” from currency, removed the ten commandments from government buildings, and sanitized school history books to measure recorded history as BCE (before the common era) rather than BC (before Christ). But now the godless are thrusting their agenda inside the doors of the church. That is certainly over the line that was drawn in the sand by the signers of the Constitution.”
I Thought Separation of Church and State Was a Two-Way Street
by Bill Sardi
Only Evil Continually
Gen 6:5-6
(5) Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
(6) And the LORD was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart.
Often when I read the news, I am reminded of these verses in the Old Testament. This was said of God just before Noah and the flood. God saw that men were so evil He decided to erase the drawing board and start over. He destroyed the whole world, save one righteous man and his family.
As I was mulling over these verses, I wondered what God thought of TODAY’S world. I was reminded of Jesus’ words when He was asked about the time of His return. Interestingly, He seemed to draw from the story of Noah to couch His answer about the end:
Mat 24:37
(37) “For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.
Jesus goes on to clarify that “just like the days of Noah” involves sudden destruction on the world, just like when the flood came. But in my mind, I wondered if, like in the days of Noah, God felt the same about the world today.
I know I do. I just heard a news story about a 14 year old girl who was adopted from an abusive life in another country, only to be abused by her adopted parents. She died in her own yard after being forced to stay outside in the cold with no clothes on.
Thank God for salvation through Jesus Christ. But this evil world doesn’t deserve it.
This world is not our home!
I’ll be 59 years old next month. And it seems the older I get, the more the words of Ecclesiastes ring in my ears, “All is vanity!” in this life. The world seems more and more a place where people do nothing but chase their tails. Round and round they go, accomplishing little. And if they do accomplish their goals in life, they die and can’t take it with them.
Then there is the pain and suffering, wars, anger, evil and destruction. Deceived minds hurt, maim and kill people for the sickest reasons or no reason at all!
Folks, I heard a new song by a young Christian woman by the name of Laura Story. The song is called “Blessings” and speaks mostly about how God brings blessings to us. Blessings don’t always come through happy circumstances. God knows our frame and He knows our hearts. What if your blessings come through raindrops? And what if your healing comes through tears?
And the point to this short post is another observation made by Laura. This world is NOT our home. People who believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ are people not looking for the blessings of life in THIS life. Jesus said that we would have tribulations in this life. But we look and yearn for a city whose builder and maker is God. We look toward a NEW heaven and a NEW earth where our blessings will be found.
Life certainly has dealt us all a certain amount of heartache, disappointment and pain. But we can know that one day there will be no more tears.