Category Archives: TDS
Voters Tired of Lawfare
I’m posting this election night before Trump wins. He is at 248 electors as I write this.
Kellyanne Conway explains that voters are sick of the lawfare against Trump and the Democratic Party may want to re=evaluate their strategy with Donald Trump.
Brandon Gives His Testimony of Discovering the Media Lied to Him
Trump is NOT Racist, Proof
Megyn Reviews the Cases Against Trump
Media is Highly Responsible for Trump Assassination Attempts
Trump Hatred from the Media
FTDS (Fighting Trump Derangement Syndrome)
A clip from a discussion on Amala Ekpunobi’s podcast. Amala is a former radical leftist who saw the light and converted to conservatism. She and her co-host discuss Trump Derangement Syndrome while covering the 2nd assasination attempt on Donald Trump.