Category Archives: Transgender
Megyn Exposes the Evil Fruit of Transgenderism and Preferred Pronouns
Preferred Pronouns
Pronoun ideology & gender queer theory are anti-science intimidation cults hellbent on rewriting reality.
Steven Steele
YouTube Labels John MacArthur’s Sermon Hate Speech After He Said God Made Us ‘Male and Female’
1/19/2022 03:40:47 PM Steve Warren CBN
YouTube has censored a Bible-based sermon, labeling it as “hate speech” because it isn’t pro-LGBTQ+.
Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church in Los Angeles, CA, preached a sermon Sunday about biblical sexuality, which as CBN’s Faithwire reported was part of an effort by pastors across North America to protest a new Canadian law that took effect Jan. 8 after being pushed through Parliament with little debate.
The concern is that Canada’s Bill C-4 is broadly worded and could, in effect, ban biblical teachings on sexual ethics, and might even limit personal communications on the subject. Preachers are protesting the law at the pulpits, with 4,000 pastors affirming their opposition as well as willingness to speak out against it, Fox Newsreported.
According to Liberty Coalition Canada, the bill’s wording is broad enough to allow for “the criminal prosecution of Christians who would speak biblical truth into the lives of those in bondage to sexual sins like homosexuality and transgenderism.”
Standing in the pulpit on Sunday, MacArthur said, “There is no such thing as transgender. You are either XX or XY, that’s it. God made man male and female. That is determined genetically, that is physiology, that is science, that is reality.”
“On the one hand, the reality of that lie and deception is so damaging, so destructive, so isolating, so corrupting that it needs to be confronted, but on the other hand, that confrontation can’t exaggerate what already exists, which is a sense of feeling isolated in relationships,” he said.
But YouTube removed MacArthur’s sermon from its platform and told conservative commentator Todd Starnesthat MacArthur’s video presentation was “hate speech.”
“Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our hate speech policy,” YouTube said, according to Starnes. “We’ve removed the following content from YouTube: ‘There is no such thing as transgender. You are either XX or XY. That’s it. – Pastor John MacArthur.'”
Starnes noted in his blog, “In other words, YouTube affirmed the Canadian law by banning any opposition to transgenderism on their platform.”
Jenna Ellis, special counsel for the Thomas More Society, who represented MacArthur when Los Angeles County tried to shut down Grace Church for defying pandemic-induced health orders, spoke out against YouTube’s censorship of MacArthur’s sermon.
“The big tech oligarchy in the United States is implementing the equivalent of Canada’s insane law by censoring truth and the right of pastors to teach the Bible,” Ellis told the conservative commentator. “If Americans don’t stop big tech, this new Regime will circumvent the Constitution to foreclose our fundamental rights to speak and exercise religion and the impact will be devastating.”
Critics worry the law will perpetuate religious persecution and could even govern private conversations. “Americans should be preparing for a time when pastors and religious leaders will face persecution for teaching the Word of God,” Starnes warned.
Transgender Debate on Dr Phil
This video is frustrating to me because it is not exhaustive. It only contains certain clips from the debate. But it is still worth watching.
Matt Walsh makes a good point when he describes the traditional view of sex and gender as “reality”. I agree. It is my opinion that issues like transgenderism have the earmarks of Satan because they mimic the original satanic spin – in the garden with Adam and Eve when reality was spun to be just confusing enough to question it, “Hath God said?” And believe me, the emphasis is on the question mark. Take something that is starkly clear and subtly question it until it becomes confusing. Then in the grey area that is created, start twisting the truth into a lie.
Our safety in this world is to ALWAYS subjugate our feelings to the truth. And the ultimate truth is God’s Word; the Bible.
Matt Walsh Comments on the Debate
Tucker Points Out the Insanity of it All
The insanity of our 1984esque society that is turning truth on its ear and redefining everything around us is easy for Tucker to lampoon. And it should be lampooned. But my biggest concern is that we are being groomed to accept a coming one world government. The biggest part of that is to steer people away from TRUTH, specifically God’s truth and steer us toward LIES so the Father of Lies can get us where we need to be. There is an Antichrist to reveal someday not too far off. Does it not seem strange to you that our whole society seems to be upending from what it used to be?
It is dangerous to turn away from truth. It is dangerous to redefine everything. It is demonic. And the Bible specifically talks about our time in the book of Romans where God says that these things happen when people do not have a LOVE OF THE TRUTH. Eventually God gives people over to their depraved minds. Don’t be those people.
Then and Now
Well, this doesn’t exactly help the gender-confused now does it?

Teacher Fired for Refusing to Call Transgender Student by Preferred Pronoun Takes Case to VA Supreme Court
9/5/2021 09:26:46 AM Andrea Morris on CBN News
A Virginia school teacher, who was fired for refusing to refer to a female student with male pronouns, appealed his case to the Supreme Court Friday after it was dismissed by a Circuit Court.
Peter Vlaming taught French at West Point High School for nearly ten years. He was placed on administrative leave in 2018 after he objected to calling a ninth-grade transgender student, who had been born female, by the student’s new preferred pronoun, “he.”
In Dec. 2019, the school board unanimously voted to fire the teacher. Attorneys with Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) represent Vlaming and insist that no one should be forced to contradict their core beliefs just to keep a job.
“Peter has every right to fight this unlawful decision by the school board, and we will be defending him every step of the way,” said ADF Senior Counsel Tyson Langhofer, director of the ADF Center for Academic Freedom. “Peter went above and beyond to treat this student with respect, including using the student’s preferred masculine name and avoiding pronoun usage in the student’s presence.”
Langhofer added, “This was never about anything Peter said—or didn’t say—it is about a school demanding total conformity in utter disregard of Peter’s efforts and his freedoms under Virginia law.”
Vlaming is suing the school board for violating his rights under the Virginia Constitution and commonwealth law.
CBN News previously reported that students at the school were outraged over his dismissal. Nearly 150 students showed their support for the beloved teacher by participating in a walkout.
He said the loss of employment has not been easy for his family.
A GoFundMe was set up for Vlaming and his family and so far the effort has raised $58,524 of its $75,000 goal.
Ultimately, Vlaming says his faith gives him the strength he needs to keep going.
“There’s bound to be opposition to living for God,” he explained. “I was brought to a point where I had to make a decision that cost something. And when that happens it’s an opportunity to grow in your faith. It’s an opportunity to show the Lord, yes, I am for you. Yes, I trust you.”
This is where this mentality leads. Even teachers of young students cannot teach truth anymore and are subject to being bullied by young people who are confused and have no idea what’s really going on in this world.
And of all places, schools should not be allowing this. Transgenderism is not normal. It is a mental disorder. We should be helping people with this disorder, not affirming them in their delusion.