In case you don’t know, the #Walkaway movement was started by a former Democrat turned Republican for people to share their stories on social media about walking away from the Democrat party.
This is the most interesting and profound story I’ve heard to date. A young school teacher turned ER nurse shares her story of moving from progressive to conservative.
Category Archives: Transgender
Transgenders and Bathrooms
A friend of Rick A Rochelle said this…
It’s a pretty damning indictment of our society when asking someone to use the restroom of their natural born gender, regardless of their sexual orientation or personal attire, is considered unreasonable or a hate crime. Refusing to allow men in a female bathroom or locker room has nothing to do with hate, homophobia or discrimination. Such prudence does, however, have everything to do with protecting the privacy and lives of our daughters, wives, sisters and mothers from predators. Until these cross-dressing individuals have the anatomical ‘kibbles and bits’ to match their desired sex, they are by no means justified using the facilities of their choice simply because they put on a dress or buy a wig. Just because you believe yourself to be a woman, or a man, doesn’t make it so; nor does it grant you unfettered access past gender-specific, societal protections. If that’s the case, I’m the President and I’m moving into the White House to play ‘Call of Duty’!
Unless you actually believe “paranoia” is the physical perpetrator of pedophilia, theft, voyeurism, murder or rape, do everyday Americans really need to justify not giving shameless opportunists – those non-transgendered men who will eagerly exploit such irrational laws – greater access to the vulnerable, defenseless, and most importantly, our loved ones? I think not. And for the record, it’s not that I don’t have equal regard for the welfare of young boys, but criminals and sexual predators are predominantly male and already have access to the same restrooms. Yes, it doesn’t matter whether or not these crimes can occur anywhere and that some gender-bending men have already illegally infiltrated these areas for years. Why? Since when did two ‘wrongs’ make a ‘right’ and when did “real” women no longer have rights? When your ad hoc fallacy kidnaps logic and demands a reward! Privacy matters.
Celebrities and politicians can boycott common sense all they want because they’re guaranteed to boycott your loved one’s funeral or trip to the emergency room. If transgender activists truly believe they are victims and entitled to special privileges for altering reality and ignoring their evolutionary birth, then I suggest soliciting donations to build unisex LGBT bathrooms so they can prey upon each others’ complete lack of discretion, boundaries and respect for their fellow ‘man’. When the perverse psychosis of less than 1% of the population supersedes the sanity and safety of the other 99%, then America has successfully achieved the self-destructive state of stupidity known as liberalism; still, and always, a mental disorder.
If we break the dam, we must expect the flood.
A recent article linked below tells of a transgender student born male, who has won access to the women’s restroom at Evergreen College in Olympia, WA. And because the politically correct state of Washington has a nondiscrimination law protecting “gender identity”, the college must allow this person to go into the women’s locker room which is not only used by college women, but by the Capital High School swim club and a children’s swim academy.
Political correctness is anything but correct. We should be basing our law on right and wrong, common sense and historical and religious values that call these things what they are; deviant.