Category Archives: Trump
Why Christians Should Vote For Trump
Trump, the most Moral President in My Lifetime
God Bless President Trump
Facebook Censors Trump Supporters
How Trump Supporters Treat the Police
And how all Americans should treat the police.
Debate with Tom Arnold or The Best Demonstration of Leftist Lunacy Ever Seen
The political left in this country has fallen far from normalcy. And Donald Trump has triggered these people so badly that their real feelings come out for all to see. Tom Arnold in this one debate demonstrates what conservatives have had to deal with for the last few years. They are rabidly anti-Trump for reasons that have nothing to do with the health of our nation, the love of God or the love of TRUTH. Its all lunatic, rabid, demonic emotionalism that emphasizes the unimportant and ignores reality. Tell me I’m wrong after watching this crazy encounter.
A sample comment from this video:

Obama, Rule of Law and the Corrupt Media
What Does it Take to Get People to realize ThEy are being Lied to by the Left and the Mainstream MedIa?
I would add that Fox News, which many people despise, is actually one source that is telling you the truth. Don’t believe me? Watch this video.
Trump/Obama – A Little Perspective