Category Archives: Trump
Whatever Happened to Innocent Until Proven Guilty?
Aug 30, 2023
To the Editor,
Most recently, there was a letter to the editor that proclaimed that President Trump had “committed serious crimes, and must be held accountable.”
There must be something in the DNA of radical dems that prevent them from applying the most basic tenet of our justice system regarding guilt (Duke lacrosse, Nicholas Sandmann, Kyle Rittenhouse).
An indictment is not a conviction, and the author of the letter must subscribe to the Lester Holt philosophy of, “I think it’s become clearer that fairness is over-rated.”
Let us probe a bit into the indictments. Each indictment took place in a deep blue city. Each indictment was brought by a deep blue DA who has higher political aspirations in the radical dem party. Frankly, if the DAs could not get an indictment in this venue, then they should turn in their DA credentials.
Each indictment has stretched the law immeasurably, arguably to the extent of infringing upon the “freedom of speech.
The author also brought up the so-called Jan. 6 “insurrection.” If that was an insurrection, then it must have been planned by the same people who planned the Afghanistan evac fiasco. For comparison, let us look at the riots of the summer of 2020 in Seattle and Portland. Or, better yet, tanks rolling down the highway toward Moscow. Now those are insurrections.
Here are the last few words uttered by President Trump on Jan. 6, “I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”
Now, that is truly insurrection, right?
The author finally tries to wrap herself in patriotic rhetoric when she wrote, “there can be no more serious crime than a conspiracy to overturn the foundation of our democracy.” Thankfully, she was not a decision maker in 1776.
Well, if fairness was not overrated then she would be questioning the present administration. She would be wondering why no one has been held accountable for the fake dossier paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign. The tampered F.I.S.A. warrant about which the management in the FBI know. The collusion of the government with Facebook and Twitter to censor the Hunter Biden laptop story. Where is her outrage? There is none, just selective outrage.
Were it not for the fact that the radical dem party was out to get Trump from the moment he walked down the escalator in New York I probably would be more open to persuasion of guilt. But they have tried everything short of assassination, and I am not entirely sure about that. But each time I ask a radical dem to give me a policy enacted while Trump was president that adversely affected them or the nation, their response has been “crickets.”
Fairness is not overrated and people are still innocent until proven guilty. But under the attacks by the radical dems, I do not know how much longer that will remain true.
Trump’s Got My Vote
The left and the deep state think they have Trump on the ropes. They may be greatly surprised that they were actually HELPING Trump.
Trumps Enemies Still have Nothing
Michael Knowles comment after the audio clip of Trump talking about documents at Mar-a-Lago.
Knowles makes the humorous observation that through all the allegations against Trump for the last 7 years, it seems Donald Trump is actually the CLEANEST politician in Washington, D.C.