Category Archives: Trump

Jim Jordan Exposes Anti-Trump Worm

Jordan grills anti-Trumper John Dean knowing he disregards Trump’s accomplishments because it is much more important to him that Trump is a Bad Orange Man. Far too typical of today’s Democrats too. They’d rather die a slow, painful death under corpse Biden than have economic and political successes under the Bad Orange Man. Thank you Jim for exposing the obvious.

Evil Among Leftists

The following quote was a comment on a Youtube about the Jessy Smollett scandal where he faked an attack on himself by mythical white MAGA supporters. Turns out the whole incident was orchestrated and financed by Smollett himself. The comment:

Don’t overlook the evil it takes to not only conceive of the plot, but to keep the lie going with fake emotion. That is straight up high level demon stuff folks. Appearing to be good is the finest tool that evil has. There is no similar response from good, because good can not pretend to be evil.

Trump Warned Us 4 Years Ago

The hardest part of being a conservative is having to watch liberals screw up everything we try to do and then having to do cleanup when we are back in power.

For all the slander slung at Donald Trump by the left, isn’t it amazing that he warned us against everything that Biden is now doing and we are watching his predictions play out in real time.

But I guarantee you the left will learn nothing. They never do.