Jim Jordan Exposes Anti-Trump Worm

Jordan grills anti-Trumper John Dean knowing he disregards Trump’s accomplishments because it is much more important to him that Trump is a Bad Orange Man. Far too typical of today’s Democrats too. They’d rather die a slow, painful death under corpse Biden than have economic and political successes under the Bad Orange Man. Thank you Jim for exposing the obvious.

Evil Among Leftists

The following quote was a comment on a Youtube about the Jessy Smollett scandal where he faked an attack on himself by mythical white MAGA supporters. Turns out the whole incident was orchestrated and financed by Smollett himself. The comment:

Don’t overlook the evil it takes to not only conceive of the plot, but to keep the lie going with fake emotion. That is straight up high level demon stuff folks. Appearing to be good is the finest tool that evil has. There is no similar response from good, because good can not pretend to be evil.

The 21st Century ACCORDING to Monty Python

I’ve figured out what has happened to our world in the 21st century. Somehow we have all slipped through some kind of wormhole and ended up in a Monty Python movie. Please observe the following from the movie, “Life of Brian” (1979):


JUDITH: I do feel, Reg, that any Anti-Imperialist group like ours must reflect such a divergence of interests within its power base.

REG: Agreed. Francis?

FRANCIS: Yeah. I think Judith’s point of view is very valid, Reg, provided the Movement never forgets that it is the inalienable right of every man–

STAN: Or woman.

FRANCIS: Or woman… to rid himself–

STAN: Or herself.

FRANCIS: Or herself.

REG: Agreed.

FRANCIS: Thank you, brother.

STAN: Or sister.

FRANCIS: Or sister. Where was I?

REG: I think you’d finished.

FRANCIS: Oh. Right.

REG: Furthermore, it is the birthright of every man–

STAN: Or woman.

REG: Why don’t you shut up about women, Stan. You’re putting us off.

STAN: Women have a perfect right to play a part in our movement, Reg.

FRANCIS: Why are you always on about women, Stan?

STAN: I want to be one.

REG: What?

STAN: I want to be a woman. From now on, I want you all to call me ‘Loretta’.

REG: What?!

LORETTA: It’s my right as a man.

JUDITH: Well, why do you want to be Loretta, Stan?

LORETTA: I want to have babies.

REG: You want to have babies?!

LORETTA: It’s every man’s right to have babies if he wants them.

REG: But… you can’t have babies.

LORETTA: Don’t you oppress me.

REG: I’m not oppressing you, Stan. You haven’t got a womb! Where’s the fetus going to gestate?! You going to keep it in a box?!

LORETTA: [Crying]

JUDITH: Here! I– I’ve got an idea. Suppose you agree that he can’t actually have babies, not having a womb, which is nobody’s fault, not even the Romans’, but that he can have the right to have babies.

FRANCIS: Good idea, Judith. We shall fight the oppressors for your right to have babies, brother. Sister. Sorry.

REG: What’s the point?


REG: What’s the point of fighting for his right to have babies when he can’t have babies?!

FRANCIS: It is symbolic of our struggle against oppression.

REG: Symbolic of his struggle against reality.

Frogs in Pots of Water

Hey all of you American frogs in pots of water. Have you noticed the water getting hotter and hotter and hotter? In 2021, we now have organized shoplifting going on in flash mobs. We have mass killings. We have child porn. We have a president in cahoots with communist China – that is, when he is coherent. We now have a 3rd COVID variant. We have people losing their jobs over COVID. We have a corrupt FBI, a corrupt Speaker of the House, massive censoring of truth on social media and colleges teaching kids that all white people are irredeemably racist. We have a mainstream media that colludes with the government against political enemies instead of being our check on government. We have high school teachers propagandizing our kids into socialism, marxism and racism. We have teachers accusing concerned parents of being terrorists. We have homelessness on the streets of our cities (aka severe drug problems). And our southern border is overwhelmed with people coming in illegally with half the country in favor of the invasion.

The water is getting very hot in our American pot. I’m not sure how long our nation will last but I can see a day when the United States could actually fall. What do you see?

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