Interview with Jerrod Sessler on Jan 6

When you look at January 6, what are your thoughts about the January 6th events. How did you view that?

 Well I viewed it with my own eyes because I was there and it was very much a sort of Nascar fan, rodeo fan, sort of crowd. The instigators were paid to be there and I believe it was, as far as the Capitol  breach, that was just a setup from the left to try to prevent Trump from ever being eligible to run for office again. It certainly wasn’t something that was driven by the majority of the people that were there. I mean there’s hundreds of thousands of people there and it was freezing. And we’re standing in the cold for a long time and it was a long walk to the capitol. Even at the Capitol the instigators of the violence were actually more-so the police than the people that were there. 

So you saw with your own eyes that the instigation was coming from the inside?  It was coming from police law enforcement you say paid agitators? You watched this Jared?

Yeah absolutely.  Yeah it was paid agitators.  We were there for a couple days before and we had actually, at Lafayette Square, I think it was, I can’t remember.  It was a night before or two nights before I literally was two or three feet from a gal who said she was paid to be there and she had went(sic) on a few minutes later to bloody the face of a gal that we had walked over there with.  Those were the kind of people that were there at the Capitol before President Trump was even done speaking.  There were already people that were dressed up in costumes supposedly breaching the Capitol and the whole thing was a setup.  When I got down to the Capitol you had police (I don’t know whether it’s capital police or otherwise) that were throwing these detonation, I don’t know they’re basically just these sound bombs.  I don’t know what you call them but they’re throwing them into the crowd of people with kids and strollers and old people.  I mean, we’re standing at the Ellipse when we were listening to this or trying to listen to the speakers and we were next to a guy who was probably in his 80s or 90s in a wheelchair.  I mean the idea that people somehow believe and that they think the January 6 events are going to go down in history as a breach is ridiculous.  What’s going to happen is the information’s eventually going to come out and it’s going to go down in history as as one of the most embarrassing things ever happened to this nation.  

Yeah I’ve seen the video of cops throwing flashbangs into the crowd and it looked like they’re trying to agitate the crowd there’s video of a guy who looks very very much like an FBI agent who was encouraging people to go into the Capitol.  People were saying no, no, no.  Fed, fed, fed.  We had the video of Jaden x, I forget his real name, who it says, “Look i’m a black lives matter incorporated Antifa guy.”  He took the video of Ashley Babbitt being shot and of course the media told us, “No there was no BLM, no Antifa in sight.  No one like that was there. This was only Trump supporters.”  So it’s fascinating that you were there for that.  Did you think ever (Jared Sussner is running for Congress against Dan Newhouse, Benton County Washington State),  Jared did you think you would ever speak publicly that you felt like your government agitated to arrange an attack on your capital?  When those words leave your mouth, are you as astonished as I am when words like that leave my mouth?  

I am.  In fact, I was speaking at an event a couple weeks ago and I had this ladies (she’s kind of a middle-aged mom) come up to me and and she said, “You know I feel like I’m a conspiracy theorist because everything, all this crazy stuff is coming out to be true and I think those that are rational and those that are critical thinking are kind of feeling the same way.”  And I told her, I said,  “You’re not alone.  It’s uncomfortable.  It’s awkward.  I don’t even know how to describe it but we are literally living in a time where these things that are supposedly not possible or sound a little off the wall are actually true and they’re actually happening.

How to Handle the Racist Leftist Media

Candace Owens is a force to be reckoned with. Whether the issue be political or racial, these sanctimonious biased media types better do their homework before interviewing Candace. She will mow you down with the truth. And that is as it should be. The truth should always win.

For example, watch Candace smack down every trick in the book from this interviewer. No more Mr. Nice Guy from conservatives.

Capitalization is Oppression

This VP is really going to hate my website because all titles are capitalized! But yes, this is a real thing. The argument involves identifying with Indigenous people by not capitalizing anything.

I’m not going to deal with the issue of Indigenous people because it’s absurd. I just want to ask one question. Why are these screwballs always found on college campuses?

Teacher Fired for Refusing to Call Transgender Student by Preferred Pronoun Takes Case to VA Supreme Court

9/5/2021 09:26:46 AM Andrea Morris on CBN News

A Virginia school teacher, who was fired for refusing to refer to a female student with male pronouns, appealed his case to the Supreme Court Friday after it was dismissed by a Circuit Court.

Peter Vlaming taught French at West Point High School for nearly ten years. He was placed on administrative leave in 2018 after he objected to calling a ninth-grade transgender student, who had been born female, by the student’s new preferred pronoun, “he.”

In Dec. 2019, the school board unanimously voted to fire the teacher. Attorneys with Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) represent Vlaming and insist that no one should be forced to contradict their core beliefs just to keep a job.

“Peter has every right to fight this unlawful decision by the school board, and we will be defending him every step of the way,” said ADF Senior Counsel Tyson Langhofer, director of the ADF Center for Academic Freedom. “Peter went above and beyond to treat this student with respect, including using the student’s preferred masculine name and avoiding pronoun usage in the student’s presence.”

Langhofer added, “This was never about anything Peter said—or didn’t say—it is about a school demanding total conformity in utter disregard of Peter’s efforts and his freedoms under Virginia law.”

Vlaming is suing the school board for violating his rights under the Virginia Constitution and commonwealth law.

CBN News previously reported that students at the school were outraged over his dismissal. Nearly 150 students showed their support for the beloved teacher by participating in a walkout.

He said the loss of employment has not been easy for his family.

GoFundMe was set up for Vlaming and his family and so far the effort has raised $58,524 of its $75,000 goal.

Ultimately, Vlaming says his faith gives him the strength he needs to keep going.

“There’s bound to be opposition to living for God,” he explained. “I was brought to a point where I had to make a decision that cost something.  And when that happens it’s an opportunity to grow in your faith. It’s an opportunity to show the Lord, yes, I am for you. Yes, I trust you.”

This is where this mentality leads. Even teachers of young students cannot teach truth anymore and are subject to being bullied by young people who are confused and have no idea what’s really going on in this world.

And of all places, schools should not be allowing this. Transgenderism is not normal. It is a mental disorder. We should be helping people with this disorder, not affirming them in their delusion.

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