California’s gig worker Prop 22 ruled unconstitutional by superior court

Well, one can always count on California socialists to come down on the wrong side of anything regarding the economy. Companies like Uber, Lyft, Doordash and Grubhub fill a niche in the economy that not only fits perfectly with many customers, but with the drivers too. I am an Uber Eats driver myself. I haven’t been out in quite a while because I don’t really need the money. But when I was driving, it was to occasionally supplement my income. I didn’t need benefits or retirement or anything like that. It was a perfect fit for me.

But here is the thing. My wife and I use these services occasionally and a meal for 2 from most places now runs a minimum of $50. If these companies are forced to supply the usual benefits to employees, that price will probably double. Even with a 50% increase, I would probably stop using them. It would be too expensive. And while these companies would simply be doing what many people think is right, their service would immediately stop being a perfect fit for me as a customer.

And I would ask all the west coast socialists, “What happens when these businesses dry up?” These food delivery services are a convenience, not a necessity. When push comes to shove, customers will just stop using the services. Then what?

Vaccinated People Are Shrugging Off COVID-19, Which Should Be Good News

But Good News Doesn’t Sell

Excerpt from Jim Treacher’s article found at:

Remember when everybody freaked out about Lindsey Graham getting COVID-19? It was just two weeks ago. The libs were all high-fiving each other, cheering for him to die. It just reaffirmed their belief that those dirty Republicans deserve illness and death, and they’re all anti-vaxxers, and other such nonsense. But Graham didn’t die, because he’s vaccinated. By the time the news broke, he said he was already feeling better. And within a day or two, everybody had forgotten about it. I wrote a whole thing about it, and I barely even remember it. Just a blip. Barely newsworthy.

Rush Limbaugh called these liberal hysterics “the drive-by media,” because they just spray a bunch of crap at their target and then speed off to the next one. They don’t care about the consequences of their actions. They don’t listen to the people they leave behind. They achieve nothing, learn nothing, and amount to nothing, and they get paid for it. Why would they want to change?

Well, here’s their next target.

The bad news is that Texas Governor Greg Abbott has COVID-19. The good news is that he’s vaccinated and feels fine. 

These vaccines work. That’s good. That’s the whole idea. This is how it’s supposed to work.

And, also, in addition to that, Gov. Abbott has slapped down mask and vaccine mandates in Texas. He believes in liberty. He doesn’t think the state knows how to run your life better than you do.

Abbott got the virus he admits he can’t stop, and liberals see that as some sort of vindication:

Abbott doesn’t allow government to require it. He doesn’t allow government to require it.These libs can’t even hear themselves.

What does one thing have to do with the other? Abbott hasn’t banned masks. If you want your kid to wear a mask, he isn’t stopping you. And he isn’t stopping anybody from getting vaccinated. If anything, he’s a test case for why you should get vaccinated. He’s a vaccine success story.

If something is good, authoritarians like the fellows above will tell you the government should mandate it. Abbott disagrees, and so do I. If you choose to risk illness and death by taking no precautions against a deadly virus, it’s not the role of government to force you.

I find mask zealots just as bewildering as anti-vaxxers. Unless you seal yourself in an airtight underground bunker for the rest of your life, this virus is going to get into your body eventually. It’s just inevitable. It’s a virus. That’s what viruses do. But you don’t have to get sick and you don’t have to die. A cloth mask isn’t going to keep you from breathing it in, but these vaccines will keep it from hurting you.

But everybody has gone insane, and they have every incentive to stay insane because that stokes fear. And fear generates money while keeping people compliant.

POLITICAL Solace for Leftist Voters

Well, yes, we did lose the Keystone Pipeline. And we are no longer energy independent. And the southern border is out of control. And inflation is on the rise. And the civilian labor force participation rate is only 61.5%. And we just gave a war chest of equipment to the Taliban. 

But at least Trump isn’t president.

Delusion and Transgenderism

2Th 2:8-12 (NAS77)

8 And then that lawless one will be revealed whom the Lord will slay with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His coming;

9 that is, the one whose coming is in accord with the activity of Satan, with all power and signs and false wonders,

10 and with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved.

11 And for this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they might believe what is false,

12 in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness.

Dave's Conservative Blog