This Twitter conversation is a classic example of how liberals and leftists redefine terms at every turn and then argue against THEIR terms instead of yours. Because of this fast and loose handling of “truth”, it is almost impossible to have a real conversation with someone on the left. Watch how many times Okafor is misunderstood by Touré.
We Are Losing our Rights Under the Guise of Covid19 Sheltering
Meet the Press Fake News
ObamaGate is Forming
The Story Behind Covid 19
CoronaVirus Truths
This is being written on April 19, 2020. Although there is a central author, it is being written on behalf of multiple physicians in West Alabama and will be distributed through multiple medical offices. Between us we have well over a hundred years of practice and have treated hundreds of thousands of patients suffering infectious diseases. Including mission trips we have treated patients on five continents. We planned this date for several reasons. First, most of our patients now realize there is something “funny” about the coverage and handling of this disease. Secondly, if it wasn’t being handled differently by April 19, we knew it would take action from us and our patients to change that handling.
LeftIst Economic Cluelessness
Anderson Cooper is such a wonderful example of the cluelessness of the left on anything economic. He would completely walk away from the economy altogether while obsessing over the fear of COVID19. As I said yesterday concerning another clueless lefty, if it were up to Anderson Cooper, our nation would become a place full of COVID19 survivors who WISHED they were dead.
What Does it Take to Get People to realize ThEy are being Lied to by the Left and the Mainstream MedIa?
I would add that Fox News, which many people despise, is actually one source that is telling you the truth. Don’t believe me? Watch this video.
AOC Loving the Destruction of the Oil Business. Deletes Tweet
… commentator Stephen Miller writing to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.: “@SpeakerPelosi Mom, she’s saying the quiet part out loud again.”