Why I Don’t Trust Democrats with our Economy

It has been my experience that Democrats honestly don’t understand economics. At the depth of the housing bubble burst, all they wanted to do was spend money. The 20 trillion dollar national debt does not phase them.

Now we have a president who is really turning the economy around. Large companies all over the country are giving bonuses and raises and investing again.  Democrats should be just as happy as anyone else. Our country has needed this for a long time. But what has been the reaction?

Here is Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s reaction:

Democrats: Sit Down and Shut Up And Read This! Watch the video too.

Saturday marks the one-year anniversary of President Donald Trump’s inauguration.

CNN decided to interview Democrats from Ohio who voted for Trump over former First Lady Hillary Clinton in 2016.

To the network’s surprise, said voters are thrilled with what Trump has done since taking office.

Check this out…

From Daily Wire:

The group of Democratic voters, who had all crossed over to vote for Trump during the 2016 election, agreed in their assessments of the president and on the importance of his key agenda goals, like ending illegal immigration.

When asked how they thought he was performing, the group replied, “Fantastic,” “Phenomenal,” “Better than I ever would have dreamt,” and “He’s doing wonderful, he’s staying on task.”

The panel did not agree with the media and the Democrats’ portrayal of Trump being a racist, as they also said he does not get a fair shake from the media.

Economists agree: former President Barack Obama is not responsible for anything good economically – despite what many lefties in the press want the uninformed to believe.

From The Daily Wire:

The Wall Street Journal asked 68 economists spread across academia and throughout the business world who was responsible for the booming economy, and, “happily for President Trump, the pros agree with him,” The Hill reported. “A recent survey of economists suggest it is President Trump, and not Obama, who should be taking a bow.”

Key takeaways from the report:

-Most of the economists said Trump was “‘somewhat’ or ‘strongly’ positive for job creation, gross domestic product growth and the rising stock market.”

-The experts said Trump’s decision to cut regulations and cut taxes were a major factor.

The group gave Obama “neutral-to-negative for GDP growth and negative for long-term growth,” while scoring Trump as “neutral to positive for long-term gains.”

-The group of economists said Trump scores higher than Obama because business confidence is higher and business investments are increasing under Trump.

Daily Wire has more on 45’s economic accomplishments:

2. Job Creation In December Smashed Expectations

Companies hired 250,000 new workers in December which smashed Wall Street projections that forecasted only 190,000 new jobs.

3. Job-Cut Announcements In 2017 See Lowest Level Since 1990

On Thursday, CNBC reported: “U.S. employers announced plans to cut 32,423 jobs in December, bringing the year’s total to a low not seen since 1990”

4. Manufacturing In The U.S. Had Its Best Year In 2017 Since 2004

On Wednesday, Bloomberg reported: “U.S. manufacturing expanded in December at the fastest pace in three months, as gains in orders and production capped the strongest year for factories since 2004.”

More on Trump earning ‘high marks,’ per CNBC:

Swiss bank UBS said Monday that President Donald Trump deserves praise for his pro-growth policies.

Those efforts in making the U.S. a more business-friendly economy, which include the recently passed tax reform, are often under-appreciated, said Mike Ryan, UBS Wealth Management’s chief investment officer for Americas. But the president has “changed the perception of what’s possible in Washington,” he said at the bank’s client gathering in Singapore.

“I think prior to his election, the prospects of tax reform, of regulatory relief, or any sort of sensible approach to infrastructure were off the table,” said Ryan, who added that Trump defied those expectations by getting the new tax bill passed.

The president deserves “high marks” for his economic achievements so far, Ryan added.

While Trump’s promise of a border wall may not have come to fruition just yet, he kept his word on reviving America’s economy.

No more Obama nonsense.


[Note: This post was written by John S. Roberts]

Original article: http://www.breakinginfoalert.com/2018/01/19/watch-cnn-absolutely-stunned-asking-democratic-ohio-voters-thoughts-trump/


Pathetic Result of Obama and California policies

Actually, The whole west coast is like this. This part of the country is infested with leftist thinking. Here is one of many results. California is the worst. But leftists have proven that they refuse to learn from their mistakes, so they won’t be offering any workable solutions. Until California wakes up, it will only get worse.

BTW, I had never heard of a tent city until Obama. This is NOT normal for America.

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