Gingrich explains why Trump won, how what is perceived by the Left as Trump’s weakness is really his genius and the difference between the establishment and MAGA.
USA recognizes Jerusalem as capital. To move embassy to Jerusalem
Trump’s Tax Cut Plan – YouTube Playlist
5 videos will play
I’m Not Racist
A very interesting rap war between two stereotypes. Interesting to find out neither of these guys is actually rapping to the other. The real rapper and author of the song is behind the scenes. It’s his story. These two guys are just lipsynching.
Is America Racist?
The Rise of Donald Trump and the Genius of Donald Trump
There are 2 videos here. The first one has a short clip by Ben Shapiro during the election explaining his take on the rise of Trump. The second video is Dave Rubin interviewing Dilbert author, Scott Adams on his take of Trump’s success.
Scott Adams, Part 2
Are the POLICE Racist?
Ben Shapiro at UCLA, Nov 2017
Institutional Racism? Blacks victimized by the Police? Stats say “Bullshit”!