Occupy Wall Street Protestor is “Person of the Year” but Tea Party is “Extremist”

I gasp in disbelief when I hear anyone from the left say the media is not biased.  So I’m starting a new category here with this post.  The category is “Media Bias” and here is the story.

The obvious contrast between the Tea Party and the Occupy Wall Street people is there for all to see.  I’ve read comments from police about how peaceful and lawful the Tea Party protests were.  Some have said it was like being on vacation. And I’ve seen photos showing that on average, Tea Party people left the place cleaner than they found it.

On the left, the Occupy people first got hung up on simply leaving at all, let alone leaving the place clean.  And the evidence has been there for all to see that the OWS has been lawless, dirty and aimless.  Thousands have been arrested and the locations have been left looking like the city dump.

Yet our unbiased mainstream media names the “Protester” as “Person of the Year” and the Tea Party as “extremist”.  It’s like walking through Alice’s Looking Glass!

Here’s the link to an article that inspired this post:

Such a Double Standard: Tea Party Was ‘Extremist’ But OWS ‘Protester’ Is ‘Person of the Year’

Some Life Lessons of a 59 year old

1) Don’t marry out of insecurity.  That means you should not marry someone out of fear that no one else would ever have you.  Marriage is a lifelong proposal and the one you marry MUST be someone you are able to be one with.  An old country song advises, “If it Don’t Come Easy, Better Let it Go.”

2) Virginity until Marriage Has its advantages.  Today in 2011, I see a sea of people raising families that did not come into existence by conviction, planning, preparing and praying.  Almost all the families I see came into existence because unmarried, uncommitted people had sex and got pregnant.  Their decision to stay together and raise a family was not the result of preparing and planning, but was a matter of making the best of a bad situation.  And the state of the family in 2011 is proof that this method is frought with difficulty and failure.  And failure produces hurt and unhealthy children; our citizens of our future.

3) Live Your Life.  Don’t Settle for your life living YOU!  If I had it to do over again, I would start at an early age and start putting real goals out in front of me and making a life plan to achieve those goals.  Don’t just wander through your life aimlessly.  Who are you?  What are you about?  What makes you tick?  What are your interests?  Incorporate all those things into a plan that gives you a chance to REALIZE your needs and desires.

4) Have some conviction in life.  And have your convictions tethered to time tested convictions, not just the latest silly fad that has floated by.  How about tethering your convictions to the Bible?  There’s a good anchor!  Learn not only from the One who made you, learn from 6,000 years of human history instead of some zany liberal college professor in your college classroom.

5) Learn from your elders. New and good ideas are fine, but life isn’t about trying to outthink the entire history of mankind on planet Earth or outhinking God.  The latest generation is really not as brilliant as they fancy themselves. Inexperience plus zeal does not equal wisdom!

6) Get in the habit of saving money.  On the balance sheet of a business, the value of the company is equal to the assets minus the liabilities.  That means that if you have a $150,000 house that you owe $120,000 on, 3 credit cards each with $10,000 on it, a checking account with $1,000 in it and a line of credit balance of $1,000, well my friend, you aren’t worth a dime even if you do make $30/hour.  You have lots of “stuff” but your net worth is exactly ZERO. And zero net worth isn’t going to do much for you when you get too old to work and have nothing to lean on.

7) Get out of debt.  Carry only the least amount of debt necessary.  Debt is a drag on your life.  The Bible tells us that the  debtor is slave to the lender.  I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be a slave to anyone.

8 ) Live within your means in a deliberate and organized way.  That means develop a budget that fits your abilities and needs to the best of your ability and stick to it. The alternative is continual financial pressure on your life.

9) Assess your ability to deal with reality and live according to reality.  I know a person who has never had a fulltime job by choice.  This person was also victimized by a close friend who spent their life savings. The result of the loss of money and the lack of income eventually led to this person losing their home from inability to maintain the mortgage.  The lesson this person took from the experience (accompanied by much anger) was that the ones he/she lost the house to were crooks because it was his/her home.  Of course, this is NOT the lesson of this tragic experience.  But it is a good illustration of someone who does not live in reality.  Don’t lie to yourself.  Face reality and make decisions to deal with the reality, not the fantasy in your head because reality will always win, especially if you make decisions based on fantasy.


Bad Liberal Ideas

Watching Obama being “grilled” on 60 Minutes on TV. I am so tired of the mindset that thinks the country should be concerned about income equality.  What a stupid concept. Here are some off the cuff comments about bad liberal thinking:

  1. Republicans (i.e. Bush) Screwed up the Economy. As I recall, the economy did quite well during the Bush years.  We experienced a recession after 9-11.  But the Bush tax cuts stimulated the economy and that recession was very short-lived. That’s because conservative ideas work!  Up until the 6th year of Bush’s presidency, the economy was doing well.  In early 2007, houses in our neighborhood were selling in the low 300 thousands but started turning south.  Today, the same houses are selling for under 200 thousand.  Problems started happening in 2006. Coincidentally, that which controls the purse strings of our federal government, the Congress, was taken over by the Democrats in both houses in 2006. What happened from then until Obama was elected was in spite of Bush, not because of Bush. There was a big power struggle going on.  It is my opinion that Bush’s decision to bail out the banks was wrong.  Obama continuing this idea of bail outs was also wrong, but to a larger degree.
  2. We should have income equality.  This is pure communism and there is no excuse for this kind of thinking in America.  It is totally foreign to the American way of life. Let me ask you this: If you take a job from a company and agree to a certain wage and are paid that wage for your work, what’s unfair about that? If you don’t like making $15/hour being a street sweeper, is someone stopping you from going to school and becoming a software writer for $30/hour or a CEO making $200,000/year?  Are you actually suggesting that the person who made the effort to become a CEO must be equalized with the pay of the street sweeper?  On what legal, financial or even moral grounds do you have the right to do that? And if the street sweeper is to make mountains more money, where is that money supposed to come from? Let’s say you start a drive thru latte stand business.  Do you honestly think that the money the rich have somehow limits you from selling your cup of coffee for $3?  But that is what the liberal argument is saying – that you have less money because the rich have more money.  But your money is directly tied to how many cups of coffee, lattes or mochas you sell for X dollars a cup.  Maybe you start selling cakes and cookies on the side.  Maybe you eventually start hot lunches at lunch time.  And maybe you eventually branch out and franchise your business.  All of that is based soley on the bottom line of your company which is a function of income minus expenses.  How does the wealth of the rich have ANY influence on your coffee business?  Answer: It doesn’t.  Liberals complaining about the wealth of the rich is simply an immature response to the fact that they ENVY those who have more than they do.  That’s not a financial problem.  That’s a character flaw.
  3. We need to tax the rich more. For what purpose I ask?  Our 15 trillion dollar debt is so high, we could confiscate everything that ALL the rich people have and hardly put a dent in the deficit.  Our federal government spends way, way, way too much money.  I think the federal government should not only spend less, I think it should be severely shrunk.  I’m talking 30, 40, 50 percent smaller!  We don’t need and can’t afford all the crap the federal government thinks it needs to have its fingers in.  We are a free people who live in sovereign states whose federal government is not supposed to be involved in that which is not clearly laid out in the Constitution.  If we actually lived by this law, the government would be but a fraction of its present size. I would also like to observe that the rich already pay the lion’s share of taxes in this country.  When the bottom 47% of citizens pay nothing and the top 5% of tax payers pay 54% of the tax bill.  Did you catch that?  54%!!!!! So I say, the rich pay too much and the bottom 47% should simply sit down and shut up!  They have no say because they are freeloaders.



ANWR, Common Sense and the Good of our Country

You’ve heard the controversy for years.  We can’t drill in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Alaska, USA) because it will destroy the environment and kill the wildlife in the area. At every turn, the environmentalists say NO to drilling for oil anywhere in the country.  But ANWR is a great illustration of how these silly people operate on emotions rather than facts and common sense.

Consider the following illustration:

The state of Alaska is the largest state in the union.  As you can see, it stretched the entire height of the mainland and covers the entire midwest!  Alaska is enormous.

ANWR is an area in the NE corner of Alaska that is about 19 million acres.  It is about the size of the state of South Carolina.  The Coastal Plain, where the oil is, is about 1.5 million acres.  The area under consideration for oil production is in the Coastal Plain.  Do you have any idea how big this area is?

The area under consideration for oil production in the Coastal Plain is 1,500 to 2,000 acres!  That’s right.  It’s 2,000 acres.  If you refer to the illustarion above, I superimposed this area over the housing development in Texas where my wife and I bought some acreage.  The oil producing area that has been under scrutiny for over 30 years and been the focus of continual fighting between the environmentalists and conservatives in our country is less than half the size of the housing development I plan to retire in one day!!

This is such a great illustration of the lack of common sense among the leftist environmentalist movement.  This area in Alaska is downright negligible, but the Greens have painted it practically as the end of the world.

This country needs our own oil.  We badly need to break our dependence on foreign oil.  Even the left mouths words to this effect (insincerely).  The United States of America needs to wise up and quit being so suicidal over political correctness about the extremist environmentalists.  There is no end to their insanity.

In the state of Washington a decade ago, the green movement destroyed our lumber industry to save an owl.  And after the lumber industry was gutted and a few years went by, they discovered the spotted owl was still disappearing.  Turns out, the lumber industry was not the cause of their demise.  Oops.  But the lumber industry remains decimated in our state.  Thank you environmentalists.

Scum List

A work in progress. I’m going to keep this list updated.  A list of people I think are so low, they deserve no respect:

  1. Bill Maher
  2. Michael Moore
  3. Keith Olberman
  4. Joy Behar
  5. Anyone with a column on The Daily Kos
  6. Alan Grayson
  7. Kathy Griffin
  8. Nancy Pelosi
  9. Harry Reid

Liberals Cannot Deal with Reality

Just read an article in the American Spectator entitled The Liberals’ Reality Problem. In it, author Ron Ross makes the following points about liberals:

  • They do not like the fact that self-interest is the prime motivator in human decision making.
  • In their minds a market economy leads to an unacceptable level of inequality.
  • Because intentions govern their policies, liberals show no interest in looking at evidence. Their denial and disregard of evidence is another reflection of their dislike of reality.
  • Their absolute dislike of budgets.
  • They’re convinced that humans should be far less plentiful. In terms of global population, the smaller the better.

Check out the article.  It’s a good one.

America in the Bible

‎21st century America in the Bible? Yes!

Isaiah 59:13-15
(13) Transgressing and denying the LORD, And turning away from our God, Speaking oppression and revolt, Conceiving in and uttering from the heart lying words.
(14) And justice is turned back, And righteousness stands far away; For truth has stumbled in the street, And uprightness cannot enter.
(15) Yes, truth is lacking; And he who turns aside from evil makes himself a prey. Now the LORD saw, And it was displeasing in His sight that there was no justice.

Believing God’s Truth

This post will probably make no sense to those who don’t believe in God.  My thoughts here are toward those who believe in the God of the Bible and Jesus Christ.

I have been a born-again Christian for 37 years. These days I am a pretty lenient believer, but I have run the gamut over the years.  I spent many years being pretty fanatical about my faith.  I’ve seen excesses in both camps.  Some believers are so nominal, their God does not appear to actually be alive.  On the other extreme, fanatical Christians tend to attribute far too much to God.  People have to find their own way in their relationship with God and Jesus Christ.

And that leads me to the point of this post.  What is God’s truth?  Where does it come from?  Is God’s truth an objective truth or a subjective truth?  I am continually bothered by the fact that you can ask any two Christians about any subject regarding the Christian faith and get two completely different answers. Many people say this is a wonderful thing.  I’m not so sure.

I think this is a symptom of the plight of the human race.  We are sinners in a sinful world. Our hearts are deceitfully wicked.  I believe we all see God and God’s Word through a dark glass.  And a bit of that obscurity is caused by our unwillingness to face the truth.

How can two Christians read a Bible verse like Acts 2:4, 38-39 and come to opposite conclusions?  One concludes that believers will speak in new tongues; the other will conclude not only that believers won’t speak in tongues, but shouldn’t speak in tongues!

The reasons for this are myriad.  Some have to do with different levels of biblical understanding.  But personal feelings and consequences have a lot to do with it too. If person A grew up in a traditionally anti-tongues environment, a change in opinion will have very real personal consequences.

After all these years which have included serious Bible college studies into the scriptures and some very life-changing experiences with God, I have concluded the following:

  • The Bible is the inerrant, inspired Word of God (2 Tim 3:16-17)
  • Thus, the Bible is profitable for doctrine and correction to believers.  It is the final authority on these matters.
  • Believers are obligated to handle the word of truth accurately, rightly dividing the scriptures. (2 Tim 2:15)
  • Because our hearts are deceitful, we need to be willing to let God’s Word overrule our hearts when there is conflict.  Be teachable, be willing to learn something new.  Be willing to be found wrong. (Jer 17:9)


Living by Good Principles

People argue about God all the time.  I’ve lost count how many times I’ve been asked where Abel’s wife came from in the Bible.  People will believe what they will.  But there is one law of God that no human being will ever escape from on this earth.  And that is that every man, woman and child will reap what they sow.

Wise people will take this to heart and realize that it is not smart to float through life without a clear understanding of how life works and how to make good decisions.  Wise people learn from those who went before them.  Wise people will live in an organized fashion based on principles that have been formed from those who have gone before us.

Children think they know better than their parents.  They haven’t got a clue.  Adults who think they know better than the accumulated wisdom of the human race would do well to wake up and realize they don’t have a clue either.

Be smart.  Learn from your elders.  No, they are not always right, but they will generally be right because they have gone before you.  They have made their share of mistakes and know where the pitfalls are.  You can either listen to them as they point out the pitfalls so you can avoid them or you can push them aside and go out and trip and fall all over again.

Here are some principles to live by that will help you reap good things instead of bad:


  1.  Listen to your elders.
  2.  Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
  3.  Stay away from credit cards.
  4.  Be self supporting.  Get a job and do your best.  If you need education for the job, get it.
  5.  Do not be promiscuous. How many people are scraping bottom because they had kids as a teen and now live on public support.
  6.  Consider the future at ALL times.  Have a plan for your life.  Where do you want to be in 10, 20, 30 years?  Then plan for it or it will never happen.
  7.  Stay away from illegal activity. Obey the Law!
  8.  Don’t live above your means.  You’ll just end up in debt and chained to your bills for the rest of your life.
  9.  Stay away from bad people.  They will hurt your life and infect you with their disease.
  10.  In love, take the time to make sure you are compatible with the person you are considering.  If the relationship is always a struggle you should consider breaking it off.  An old country song says, “If it don’t come easy, better let it go.”  I agree.  Do this or you will end up hurt and divorced which hurts not only you but your kids.  BAD, BAD, BAD!
  11.  Save a certain percentage of your money.  Get into the habit.  People who know how to save always do better than those who live for the moment and blow their paychecks every week.
  12.  You can never love your kids enough.  Be a mentor and help them.  Try not to pass on your own weaknesses. (Good luck!)
  13.  Be forgiving.  No one is perfect.  Don’t hold grudges.
  14. Pay your bills and obligations and do it on time.

Dave's Conservative Blog